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Genesis POV

I got out of the bathroom just as I heard someone talk badly about my car.

"Oh you mean Henry?" I said walking towards the group of people talking. Then I laid my eyes on one of the most handsome men on the planet. He was tall, built, had a full beard and light brown eyes. He screamed dominant and I could feel the butterflies swarming.

"Well that trash has been towed off my family's property." The handsome man stated. My heart dropped. Just like that I lost everything again. Twice in 2 years I have nothing. Oh no pop pops locket is in that car!

"NO!" I ran out the house to see if I could catch the truck before they pulled off yet no one was there, not the truck nor Henry. "NO!"

I couldn't hold in the tears that escaped my eyes! I fell to my knees. I zoned everything out, I just couldn't believe it. "Gen! Gen! Are you okay?"

Ramona came rushing over. I looked at her and saw worry in her eyes. I took a deep breathe, "I'm okay love bug. Don't worry about me. It's in God's hands."

"Please don't leave me yet."

"I won't love bug. Let's go inside." I offered my hand and we went inside. As we turned around everyone was looking at us. I could see that the handsome man had an apologetic look in his eyes. We walked in the house and I thanked God I'm at least alive.

Time flew by and all us adults were on the back porch enjoying the night.

"So how long have you been living in Texas?" Rebecca asked.

"I've been here for 4 years now. Homeless for a year." I stated.

"Wow that must have been challenging, I'm sure." Marie, Rebecca's cousin, inquired.

"Yes, it's one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. However it did bring me closer to God and I believe that's the best thing that could ever happen to me."

"Where are you originally from?"  Trixie, Rollins' cousin asked.

"Florida, my parents are still there."

"Oh you're a southern girl! When's the last time you saw them?" Marie curiously questioned.

"It's been a minute since I last talked to them. I'm sure they are doing well. So what's up with dude over there? Why is he so angry?" I asked.

"Which guy? Rahiem? Trey? Grayson?" Trixie asked.

"Black suit guy." I hinted over to that handsome man.

"Oh that's Rahiem, He's Rollins brother. He wasn't always bitter, after his wife passed unexpectedly he hasn't been the same since." Rebecca informed me.

"Interesting." I looked at him hanging with the other guys.

"Oh look Trey is coming this way!" Marie semi yelled. He wasn't bad looking but couldn't top Rahiem.

"Hello ladies! Um Genesis can I speak to you real quick?"

I looked at the girls, Marie seemed to be upset while the others smirked at me.

"Sure." I got up and walked over towards the fence. "So what's up?"

"Hi, I'm Trey by the way. I was wondering if I could take you out on a date?" He asked.

"Thanks for the offer Trey but I'm not looking for a relationship right now. We can be friends."

"Ahh okay friends before getting together I see what you mean." He chuckled.

"No. Not at all. Just friends only that. I'm waiting for the man God sends me and I feel that you aren't him. Plus it looks like someone has their eyes on you and you don't even realize it."  I stated before walking back towards the girls.

A lady named GenesisWhere stories live. Discover now