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Jeremy POV

"Jeremy Dixon. Or is it Deuce? Whomever you are. Marco smirked.

I felt paralyzed by his words. "How did he learn my name?" I asked myself, trying not to get upset. Again, he's bad people, somebody you don't mess with, so I guess it's not as shocking as I thought. I clenched my teeth hard before I laughed.

"Marco, you're a wise man." I laughed as I sat across from him. No words were exchanged for a few seconds, Marco just glared at Rider and I.

Then he tossed a blue bag to me and bent his hands together. I was wondering what was inside the little pouch. I reached towards it to pick it up and poured what was inside into my palm. "How?" I inquired. I looked at Rider and back at Marco, who now has a grin on his face.

"A young lady came to see me yesterday. She wanted to meet and try to make a deal for someone she cared about. " Marco stated. He laughed a bit and shook his head.

"I find it strange that this lady brought me the diamonds that I paid you to find. I also learned some interesting things about her."

"What are you talking about?" Rider inserted. I watched him ask something. I've been feeling kind of weird about this meeting since Marco called us today.

"Now I wouldn't be the man I am today if I gave up all of my secrets, would I?" Marco questioned Rider and glanced at me.

"However, she questioned me about a guy she thought I knew. Then she showed me a photo of you, Deuce."

I grew angry. "Where is she!" I yelled, getting into Marco's face. His men drew their guns towards me.

"Is she that important to you Deuce?" Marco teased.

"Marco. Tell me where she is now. " I threatened him. At the moment, I couldn't care less whether I lived or not. If he has my sister, I have to fight to get her out. Marco didn't say anything but laughed instead.

"I let her go. After all, I'm an honest man and we made an agreement. I want my money back, you have 24 hours. " Marco dismissed us and two of his men threw us out.

Rider would look at me from time to time to try to understand what happened there. I needed to speak to Genesis. Why is she so difficult! "Quit watching me."

"I'm just waiting for you to tell me what happened back there." Rider inquired. I looked at him before pulling over.

"Remember I told you, I didn't want anyone to get hurt?" I asked him and Rider shook his head, yes.

"The woman who gave Marco the diamonds was my sister." I admitted looking through the window. I was pissed, disappointed.

"Damn. So what now?" Rider inquired. That was our first failed assignment.

First, we need to get to the bank and make the transfer. I want to be done with Marco completely. Then we find Genesis."


Genesis POV

I felt like I had been walking for hours. I managed to get away from the detective and his partner without being caught. I shouldn't have left, it made me look guilty. However, I got a bad feeling from them and was not sure if they could be trusted.

After learning about my brother, trusting people seemed like an obstacle for me. Yet I knew I needed to be better than my flesh. I walked to the nearest bench and sat down. "Thank you father for keeping me safe. Lord, you are my protector. God, you said vengeance is mine, so I'm leaving everything in your hands. Show me what I must do, without you, I am nothing."  I prayed, then I sat there in worship.

Suddenly my phone started buzzing. Exhaling a breathing I couldn't hold. I answered the call hoping for some good news. "Hello?" I questioned.

"Hey girl!" Chanel exclaimed.

"Hey Nel, how are you?"

"I'm doing great! Look, I took your advice and I came to Houston to visit you. I'm at the airport, would you come and fetch me?"

"For real? Of course I'm coming now."

"You better! See you shortly. Love you."

"I love you back."


"Uht uh, I know we not about to be walking Genesis. There's too much heat outside. I missed the weather in Florida already. " Chanel mentioned. I laughed at my best friend and looked around.

"I don't have a car right now and I kind of ghosted the Carters. So how about we rent a car? " I suggested.

"Oou, I can smell tea! Let's get the rental I want to hear everything!" Chanel expressed cheerily. I shook my head with a smile and both of us went to Enterprise.

After getting the car we needed and reserving a hotel. I told Chanel all that happened. We ended up praying a long time together, she convinced me to find a lawyer and we all go to the police station.

We rushed into the hotel room to put Chanel's things away and searched for a good law firm. Eventually, we identified Stern Legal Corporation. They got great reviews and it was five minutes by car from our current location. Walking in faith, I entered the law firm on my own and sat in the hall waiting for someone to come and help.

"God, please, send the right person to come to my aid in this situation, Lord. Father, forgive me my sins and teach me not to fall into sin. I love you, in the name of Jesus Amen." I concluded my prayer and waited for a while.

An hour later, Grayson came over and smiled. "Genesis, what do I owe the pleasure of helping you today?"

"Grayson? I didn't know you worked here. "I laughed, then looked up to the ceiling. God is funny, he knew I was trying to be far from the Carters but who am I to tell God what to do.

"Yes, in the flesh! I've been here for four years and counting. Hold up, aren't Rollin and Rahiem looking for you?"

"Shushhh! Is there a room where we can speak privately or are we going to do business here in the hall?"

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