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I woke up to an arm wrapped around me. Turning my head, I remember what happened early this morning. Rahiem was still sleeping and I laid there just analyzing his face. I haven't shared a bed with another person in so long. I started to forget how it felt. I slowly got out the bed leaving him there. It was time for my early devotion, I left out Rahiem's room and next door to mine.

I got out my Bible, MacBook and prayer journal. Before starting, I did my hygiene then went over to my prayer area I created.

"Lord, thank you for this day. Speak to me today, guide me by your will. Give me understanding when reading your word. I love you in Jesus name, Amen." I prayed before opening up my Bible.

About an hour later, I was still in my room. I was in the middle of worship when I heard a knock on my door. It was still early so I was surprised anyone was up. Deciding to ignore the knock, I continued to worship God.

After my worship session, I ended my devotion with a prayer. As soon as I said Amen. I felt a spirit of peace rush through me. God is amazing and spending alone time is so needed and refreshing.

"That was so beautiful." I heard a voice speak up. It scared me and caused me to yelp with a small jump. I turned to see Rahiem sitting on my bed. He was currently laughing at my jump.

"You scared me Rahiem." I stated with a smile. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm better, thanks. How are you?" He smirked.

"I'm blessed and highly favored!" I mentioned with glee.

"Let me take you somewhere today. Just to say thank you for last night."  He asked.

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, I was in a good mood and didn't want my day crushed by overthinking. "Okay, sure. Where are we going?"



"So what's the plan now boss?" Dj asked his boss. The dudes that took Ramona have been planning to capture her again.

"We'll move on to plan B. You're lucky that you're one of my best men or I would've shot you for letting her get away a second time. Don't let it happen again, I want what's mine."

"What about her folks?"

"Kill them." The boss walked out of the room.


Rahiem and Genesis came through the front door from their morning outing. He took her to Herman Park.

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