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Genesis POV

Chanel and I got out of the rental car as the park came into view.

"You go that way and I'll go this way." Chanel pointed at each side of the playground.

I walked past the big slide at the park and headed towards the swings when I saw kids there. However, I felt the need to turn around. I looked behind me and spotted Ramona sitting alone on the bench. Slowly walking towards her, I wondered where Grace was.

"I knew I'll find you here." I spoke softly. Ramona's face was filled with shock as she looked up at me. She rushed into my arms and wept.

"Where's Grace?" I asked her after calming her down. Ramona didn't talk, she just held onto me as if I would disappear any moment.

"I got her!" Chanel yelled from the sandbox. Immediately upon seeing Ramona and me, Grace ran towards us and joined the hug. I clung to them tightly and felt emotional when I saw them again.

"Why did you leave us?" "Did we do something wrong?" Ramona and Grace said at once. I lowered myself to their level.

"No, of course not. You girls did nothing wrong. I just didn't want anyone else to get hurt. I'm sorry I acted selfishly by leaving. Can you forgive me?"


Rahiem POV

My brother and I were informed that my two nieces were missing while we were in an important meeting. For the past week, we've been attempting to secure this contract. I had to reschedule two major surgeries to help my brother get this deal.

"This girl has lost her damn mind." Rollin yelled for the third time.

I sat in the passenger's seat silently. I didn't know what to say, I was disappointed in Ramona. At the same time, I understood why my niece left. She and Genesis had a close relationship, and I miss her too.

We made our way to Grayson's home to meet the others. I glanced at my brother, who is now silent with a worrying look. "Don't worry we'll find them." I spoke with encouragement.

Rollin left the car without saying anything and got out with me behind him. Rebecca was crying as we walked in, and Marie rubbed her back. Trixie was pacing the kitchen drinking something, and Grayson was no where in sight.

"Where's Gray?" I asked disturbing the atmosphere. Without any words, Trixie pointed to the back porch.

Rollin and I made our way to the back where Grayson and Trey were. We chatted a little bit while trying to figure out some places where the girls would go. Eventually, we all returned inside to determine the whereabouts of Ramona and Grace.

I spoke to Genesis earlier. She went out to look too. Let's split up and go check some areas that the girls are familiar with. " Grayson stated.


Genesis has been on my mind since Gray mentioned her name. The last time I saw her, she had fresh bruises all over, and there was nothing I could do.

Despite searching several places around Houston, the girls were still nowhere to be found.

"I swear we looked at every park near our area. What if they got kidnapped? Rebecca cried as Roman tried to soothe her. They just went through this last year. Their worst nightmare is happening all over again, like déjà vu.

"Has anyone heard from Genesis?" Marie asked.

"I totally forgot she was helping us look for them." Grayson admitted and reached for his phone. I've been trying to get her new number from him for the past week now, but he's not bulging. He takes his job as a lawyer very seriously.

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