↳ ❝ Midstream Cuddles <3 ❞

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Request? nah
Irl or minecraft: irl
Type: fluff
Length: short to medium i guess-

Summary: After having a bad bad, all Y/n needs is some hugs from her loving boyfriend, but he's chilling on Sapnap's stream (Like the 'minecraft shock stream' Sapnap did on 5.10.21)

(Keep in mind, I don't know what Karl's house is actually like, nor am I going to do hours of watching vods n shit just to get info about his house so I'm just kinda makin it up as I go-)


Your day had gone completely wrong, even from before you woke up, from the maybe 3 hours of sleep you had. Ranging from twitter drama, to family issues, to getting next to getting yelled at by your boss because you kept messing up to even getting sent home early, and almost getting fired, it was insane. Not to mention it rained on your way back, and because you didn't want to take Karl's car because he might need it, you were stuck walking home, in the pouring rain, completely exhausted.

And even as you got back to your shared house with Karl, you realised your favourite hoodie was in the wash, so you couldn't even wear it if you wanted to.
You just ended up walking upstairs to Karl's bedroom, which was across the hall from his office, in which you could hear his loud laughter coming from, which if you didn't have a headache, would have made you laugh to yourself, but he was obviously having fun with his friends so you weren't going to tell him to stop, even if it was at your own expense.
When you got to his room, you just grabbed a simple hoodie from the closet, and grabbed some shorts, and changed into them. While in the bathroom, you quickly blow dried your hair, at least until it was mostly dry, then put you wet clothes in the bin with the rest of the dirty clothes, from the past day or two.

- - -

Then there was Karl. He was in a call with the feral boys, just joking around while Sapnap spedran minecraft. As they did bit after bit, his laughter only became louder, as he sat on his desk chair, looking at his main monitor, which had Sapnap's stream on it. He didn't even notice his girlfriend walk by his door, let alone come home. It wasn't until his door opened, and you walked in, obviously exhausted and upset, that he knew you were there, but even then he was worried.

"Hold on a sec guys, I'll be back-"he spoke quickly into his mic, earning a choir of replies, before he muted in discord, and took off his headphones, almost throwing them to the table, as he jumped up and ran over to you. "What's wrong baby?" he said, as he wrapped his arms around you, his voice becoming 1000% softer. ('Upset Y/n makes Karl 1000% softer'- sorry, I'll stop lmao)

You wrapped your arms around him, burying your head into his chest. "It's just been a long day I guess..."

He pecked your forehead, and picked you up, making you immediately wrap your legs around his waist for stabilisation. He carried you to his desk, where he sat on his chair, and sat you on his lap. You relaxed your legs a little, and wrapped your arms more around his shoulders, laying your head on his chest, taking in his heat. He grabbed a blanket that he had on the side of his desk, and wrapped it around you. You hummed in happiness, and closed your eyes, almost falling asleep immediately, as he put his headset back on, and unmuted in discord.

He continued to talk with his friends, but quieter, and overall less. Even when he laughed, he tried to be quiet, and not shake too much, trying to not wake you up. He played with your fingers that were slightly poking out from under the blanket, gently and subconsciously, as you slept.

Even after the stream, he held onto you, finding pure comfort in the cuddles.
As it soon became after 6pm, and you were still asleep in his arms, he carefully picked you up, and brought you to your shared bedroom. He gently lied you down on the bed, laying next to you. As he lied down, he carefully lied you on him, so your head went back to it's rightful place on his chest, only this time he could lie down with you. He gently played with your hair as you slept peacefully. and he found himself giving you a small messy braid.

- - -

Let's just say that when you woke up, you were happier then ever, and basically ended up cuddling with Karl all day, whether it be in bed, or on the couch watching movies, eating take-out, you guys just cuddled. :)


wordcount: 818

wrote: june.2.2021

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