↳ ❝ do you believe me now ? ❞

886 11 0

Request?: nah
Irl or minecraft?: irl
Type: fluff
Length: short but it exists

Summary: chat doesn't beleive jack has a girlfriend, so drastic times call for drastic measures
(a/n: i tested positive for covid a bit ago, so i wrote this blurb while in quarentine and only edited it now:))
(also first jack maniold thing lets gooo)


If you were to tell Jack Manifold that he would be having an argument with his chat over the existance of his girlfriend, he would never believe you. Chat was filled with messages either implying he was dating an ai, schizophrenic, or paying you. Not to mention the ones just denying that you were real. 

'It's not healthy to lie to yourself Mr Manifold'  the TTS voice spoke. 

"FOR FUCKS SAKE MAN; I'M NOT LYING," Jack responded towards the un-teenth dono talking about you. "She's at ASDA's right now so I can't exactly bring her in, but she is real."

'Can she bring my dad back too? I need milk rn KEKW' 

Jack stifled a laugh. 

'She's real Copium'

Before Jack could reply, he heard a car pull in, and he knew it was you, just from the blaring music that turned off a few seconds after the car was parked. He just continued his stream, talking to chat through minor pointless arguments.
 It only took about 5 minutes for you to put all of the groceries away, and you then grabbed the snacks you had grabbed for Jack, and a random stretchy alien you'd found at the end of an isle for a couple pounds. You brought a water with you just in case he would want it, and walked into his office. You knocked on his door, stuff in hand, and then walked in. He looked towards you, and smiled. You could tell quite a few emotions had ran through his head but among other things he seemed happy.

"I'm live by the way," he said.

"I know that nimrod. i had our stream on in the background while i was at ASDA." You handed him the plastic bag of snacks, water, and the weird alien thing.

"Thank you" he said quietly. "I TOLD you she was real chat." he said in a semi-sudden outburst, though you knew it was a bit. "Do you wanna come in frame?" he said yet again in a soft tone. 

You shrugged and just walked into frame just behind him. You waved at the little people in his monitor, and smiled at all the nice comments. 

"Sorry to break it to you, but i gotta go make dinner for you and Scott, i'll see you later okay baby?" you said standing up straight.

"Oh alright, bye then." You leaned over and pecked his temple.

"Bye chat!" you said as you walked away


"Do you beleive me now you little shits?" he said leaning into his mic, proud of himself for pulling a 11/10 


wordcount: 398

wrote: may.20.2022
edited: june.8.2022

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