↳ ❝ dating quackity ❞

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Prompt: ❝ dating quackity would include ❞

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➥ he just says shit to you in spanish, 

➥ he tries to teach you spanish slowly, because he wants to just have secret convos with you on stream (if you're hispanic just ignore this lmao)
     ↳ (extra) if english isn't your first language, you slowly teach him your native language as well, almost like it's a competition to see ho can make the other be fluent in the other language faster

➥ mans 100% calls you 'mamacita'
     ↳ he says it while live sometimes, and chat just thinks he's talking about dsmp 

➥ you, sapnap, and karl all have small fake-beef on twitter over quackity

➥ the stans lowkey blame you for c!quackity 'forgetting' about karl+sapnap, even tho it's just lore

➥ stans also try and call you out cuz you like the karlnapity fanart on twitter, when in reality, you just like the art

➥ most of the time, you just chill on his bed while he's live

➥ chat does a thing where they just 'forget' he has a girlfriend, so when he brings you up, they just freak out, even though he has brought you up many times, and he even streams with you sometimes 

➥ when he's doing homework, and only when he's doing homework, you refer to him as 'my little lawyer' and just give him little kisses

➥ y'all thought he was chaotic? nahhh
     ↳ as soon as you are on stream, you become the most chaotic little shit
          ↳ that's the only time you, karl and sapnap ever get along on stream, when you're chaotic, because they can't help but point out when someone's popping off 

➥ a few times, he's gotten packed jackbox lobbies, with you, bad, karl, sapnap, dream, wilbur, tommy and himself, and those streams are the only one where karl, sapnap, and you just all forget about the hating each other bit, and just pop off
     ↳ a few 'karlnap(n/n)ity' chat messages are seen here and there, and there's fanart for it as well, but you all just don't really care

➥ the fans have like, a mini battle of karlnap v. (n/n)ity and it's insane
     ↳ it's a 50/50 mix of toxic fans and those who just like the ships

➥ he gets way too happy whenever you wear his clothes 

➥ he has you stream on his account for the dsmp way too much, and you actually try and get him shit
     ↳ like you got him full netherite once, but he lost it within an hour the next day
          ↳ sometimes when he's out of the room, you got a flower and named it , and just set it in a chest and wait for him to see it the next time he's on

➥ anytime he does a just chatting stream, you are always there, like whether it's for 10 seconds, or for almost all of it, you are there

➥ mans makes dunderhead jokes, then gets flustered when he says it, almost like he doesn't realise what he said

➥ mans would also just give you little kisses
     ↳ whenever he's live though, he dramatises it, almost yelling 'mwah' in that  voice when he does it, then laughs 

➥ he would genuinely say shit like 'i'm so lucky to have you' and 'i'm so happy you're mine' and just overall telling you constantly how much he loves you, mostly off stream, but sometimes he just says it live and it's really sweet :)

➥ mutually, both of you like to pay with the others hair; he plays with yours literally all the time, and you play with his when he's tired cuz he doesn't have the energy to stop you

➥ no matter the situation, he calls you 'hot' and 'sexy' and most importantly 'his' specifically while live, it's insane-
     ↳ at this point the clip channels go insane whenever he does it, each one getting over 100k views over night

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