↳ ❝ night in/out ❞

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Prompt: ❝ your night in/out together would be ❞
Request? nopeee

(a/n: this took me longer than it should've to write lmao)

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➥ he likes to chill with you in his house at night, then go out during the day

➥ just because he feels that it's kind of that time to wind down and relax

➥ if his parents do a family dinner, he always invites you, but other than that, you both stay inside at night

➥ you two tend to just watch movies on netflix and just cuddle when it's just you two

➥ he ends up hugging you rlly tight, and just falls asleep on you

➥ you end up having to turn off his laptop and his light so he can sleep

➥ you tend to just play with his hair for a few minutes before falling asleep as well

➥ tommy is the most flustered boy when he wakes up, because he didn't mean to fall asleep on you

➥ he likes just overall spending time with you as a whole

➥ your night outs tend to just be walking around the bognor streets, maybe chilling at a park, or at the pier

➥ you two just chill, sometimes live, sometimes not

➥ your night ins are just you two chilling watching disney movies or south park

➥ you guys end up getting barely any sleep either way

➥ like the night just goes by so fast

➥ one minute, you are just watching something, and the next it's fucking 9am and you two are barely even tired

➥ some night ins just end up being you two streaming together, sometimes helping with PO box Friday

➥ he likes night ins a lot more than night outs

➥ just the idea of cuddling you like a fucking teddy bear while watching movies gives him butterflies

➥ most night ins are just you two watching some movie, and just chilling on his bed with taco bell or chipotle 

➥ most of the time you two pick a movie ironically, and just cringe

➥ like sometimes you watch movies like twilight, the kissing booth, the notebook, or just any hallmark movie that he found

➥ when you two watch hallmark movies, you guys tend to bet with candy on what's gonna happen next

➥ 'i bet 3 chocolates they aren't gonna kiss yet'

➥ the only time you two really have a night out i when you two have an actual date instead of taco bell, which he does for special occasions 
     ↳ like not super formal, but like a picnic, or a simple local restaurant/cafe


➥ you guys tend to do night ins, but you have been getting better with doing night outs more frequent 

➥ your night ins tend to be him cooking something, and you making a pillow and blanket fort

➥ he honestly loves how you put such care in making the fort comfy, and then he just brings in some really nice meal and its all good

➥ he normally leaves nick a plate on the counter, or he sometimes even brings him his plate

➥ you guys just end up watching some nostalgic movie while eating

➥ he really likes watching your eyes shine as you get flashbacks to watching the movies when you were younger

➥ after you two eat, you just end up cuddling in the fort, just watching movies in each others arms

➥ you end up just falling asleep on his lap, in his arms, while he just peppers your face in kisses before falling asleep as well


➥ he likes night outs, but casual night outs

➥ like he isn't one for fancy dates, more like just chilling at some fast-food restaurant 

➥ the fanciest he's ever gone with you was when he took you to the movies, but even then it wasn't that fancy

➥ Your night ins though are the shit

➥ it's such a vibe when it's your night in

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