↳ ❝ Chat's Favourite ❞

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Request?: nope (please request, i only have so many ideas left (ಥ_ಥ))
Irl or minecraft?: Irl
Type: fluff
Length: long-ish i guess 

Summary: While streaming, Fundy's chat starts to eat everything again (smh)

(Basically, this is like the thing that happened in whatever episode of Cogchamp it was, where Fundy and 5up's chats were eating each other, and other people's chats. If you haven't seen his Cogchmp series, i highly recommend it :D)




Chat was 'hungry' again and wanted something to eat, but Fundy was just playing around with Minecraft mods, so he wasn't able to get them food. So, chat did the next best thing and were picking off each other one by one. They had gone through user after user, VIP after VIP, mod after mod, to the point where there were only so many people 'left'. People were even trying to eat the bigger streamers' chats, like Dream's, ad George's. They had already gone through Wilbur's and Phil's and were trying to convince Fundy to let them eat Tubbo's. At this point, the bit was so extreme, Fundy couldn't tell if his distress was real or not. 

- - - 

Meanwhile, you sat in the kitchen, experimenting with all sorts of cookie recipes while Fundy's parents were out; you had asked them prior, and as long as you cleaned up, they were fine with it. You went from trying all sorts of recipes in minor amounts, to even going rogue and trying to come up with one on your own. You went from sugar cookies, to chocolate chip, to shortbread, and almost everything in between. You had made half a dozen of each, and you had made somewhere in between 4 and 5 dozen total cookies. All the sugar cookies were decorated like the Minecraft berries, and the shortbread ones had a simple berry flavoured cream you had drizzled over the chocolate. You had spent hours in the kitchen, between making the dough, baking the cookies, making the icing, and decorating, to the point that the house smelled purely of baked goods. 

It was like a sweet heaven. 

You put them on a platter, before heading upstairs to ask your boyfriend if he wanted some cookies. 

You walked up the stairs, Boots coming up with you, with a small plate of various cookies, about 6 total out of the maybe 60 total cookies you had made. As you walked in the door, you noticed your boyfriend's frantic yelling, that would have worried you, if you hadn't heard what he was yelling: 

"CHAT STOP, NO! DON'T EAT BUBBLEGUMMELODY" [this is just a random user i came up with; if this is you, hi :)] 

You chuckled as you walked in. Fundy removed one of the headphones from his ear as he looked at you. 

"Hey, what's up?" 

You smiled and giggled to yourself. Nothin much, I just made some cookies and figured you'd want some." You handed him the plate, and knelt next to his chair, looking and his second monitor with chat on it. Almost everyone was spamming either 'MOM' or 'Y/N', making you smile. You looked up at Fundy again, seeing him eat the cookies, smiling. 

"What the fuck? How are these so good?" 

You chuckled yet again, a light blush rising on your face. "Thank you... but it was probably just the recipe I chose."

"Either way, they're fucking amazing." 

You smiled then looked at his streamlabs for a second, before seeing a dono pop up:


bluewhaleGaming   $10

Mother N/n. Father Fundy has yet to feed us.


You looked at Fundy yet again, a fake offended facial expression. 
"I can't believe this..."

You gently hit his arm. 

"I'm working on it. Yup, working on it. Chat no stop-"

His chat just continued to complain. 

"Don't worry chat. Mother Y/n will bring you some food, because Daddy Fundy won't," Fundy choked on the cookie he was eating, causing you to laugh as you stood up. "You guys want the cookies I made? Though there's not enough, so you lot will have to share." You were very aware they couldn't actually eat them, you were just playing along with the bit. You ran downstairs and put about 2 dozen on a plate and brought them back up. As you walked up, Boots followed you. "I brought the cookies and a cat."

Fundy looked at you and smiled. You put the cookies on his desk for 'chat', aka for him to snack on while he streamed, and knelt down next to him again. You looked at his screen again and noticed a dono:


bread17    $5

this is why mom is our favorite


You laughed as Fundy shook his head at his chat. You stood up and pecked his cheek. 
"I gotta go make more cookies chat. Bye! Don't be too harsh on Fundy!" You waved 'bye' to the chat and walked out of his room, making your last few batches of cookies. 

- - - - -Extra scene- - - - - 

As you were decorating the bunch of sugar cookies with the royal icing, as you felt two arms wrap around your waist. You smiled a little as you filled in the last cookie. You put down the piping bag and turned around to face your boyfriend. Your arms rested on his shoulders, his still around your waist. You leaned up and pecked his lips. 

"How was the stream?" you asked in a more relaxed tone. Your fingers gently played with his hair.

"It was fine, just," he sighed a little. "tiring."

"How bout this, you give me minutes to clean up the kitchen, then we cuddle, yeah?"

He nodded and removed his arms from around your waist, and you removed yours from his shoulders. You put one hand on his chest and pecked his lips again. You both smiled a little, and he walked back upstairs.

- - -

You wiped away the last of the crumbs, and then made your way upstairs, Boots following close behind. You came into his room and saw him just laying on the bed, on his phone. You walked to the closet and grabbed one of his merch-hoodies and a pair of shorts, and changed into them. You put your other clothes into the bin next to his dresser and walked over to the bed. As you sat down, you put your phone on the side table, and then cuddled into his side. Boots hopped on the bed and curled up at your feet.

Fundy put his phone down, and turned off the light, before you two fell asleep, you in his arms.


wordcount: 1115

wrote: june.18.2021

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