↳ ❝ dating dream ❞

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Prompt: ❝ dating dream would include ❞
Request? nope

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➥ hugs from behind, literally no matter what you are doing

➥ him using pet names like 'baby girl' and 'princess' because he knows how it makes you blush (if you don't find that attractive, think of different pet names that do)

➥ the fans technically don't know, but you guys flirt so much, comfortably, while live that it's implied, and you both know that (like it is more than fucking dream and george, and you both do it back and forth)

➥ he likes the fanart of you two on twitter and insta, and shows it to you
     ↳ though you haven't officially shown your face, there is a basic design artists have come up with based off of what he has said about you

➥ he once invited you to a manhunt video as another hunter, but through the entire thing you would whisper to him saying stuff like 'hey sexy ;)' to distract him through the whole thing
     ↳ you also would give him flowers, and you just distract him by doing really cute/sweet things
          ↳ it's not meant to distract him, or that wasn't the original plan when you would just give him flowers, but once you realized it did distract him from completing the game, you just kept going, your main goal to make him too flustered to complete the game
               ↳ the video is only available on the DreamXD channel as a full manhunt, purely because the video would barely be able to be used on his main because he would need to edit out the flirting, thus the video would be like 5 minutes long and would make no sense
                    ↳ the DreamXD video is his longest one yet, just longer than 4 hours, just because of all the flirting and distracting; your main goal once you realized that your affection and cute actions distracted him, was to give the hunters more time to grind for materials to defeat Dream, but you all lost track of time, so you spent over 3 hours flirting with your boyfriend while he tried to complete the game before his friends killed him (this was longer than literally all the others, but I had so many ideas; I genuinely want to write an imagine/oneshot on this)

➥ him literally just spoiling the shit outta you
     ↳ if someone were to look between the two of you, you look like the rich, multi-millionaire because of how much he spends on you

➥ after any stream he does with george, when he playfully flirts with him, he makes sure that you know that he loves you because he knows that it could make you feel sad
     ↳ he genuinely feels bad afterwords, even though it's a bit, to the point where he gives you so many cuddles and little kisses, and he makes sure that you know that he cares :)

➥ makes really good meals surprisingly, and plays around with different recipes for you

➥ he likes to just lie on you while on the couch, and just hug your waist

➥ Patches tends to just lie on your chest, and just sleep there, and it takes every bone in his body to not pet her
     ↳ he ends up just 'petting' you, or just plays with your hair

➥ he likes when you lay on his lap, cuz he likes looking at your pretty face :)
     ↳ he also likes to play with your hair, and he just compliments you in like a low, relaxed voice

➥ (kinda nsfw!) he likes to make a bunch of jokes about choking you, like saying things about how his hands fit around your neck

➥ you two have a weekly movie night, where you guys watch a bunch of movies, that range from horror movies to disney

➥ you always get to hear his songs first and he always asks you what you think of them

➥ you steal his smiley mask and post pictures on his private twitter

➥ he likes when you just sit in his room while he streams, cuz he'll just look over at you, and you guys just count how many streams it takes for chat to think you are there

➥ mans would give so many forehead kisses it's insane-

➥ he would constantly just say how he loves you, for no reason

➥ when you two cuddle, he just compliments you a bunch

➥ you both have talked about what your kids names are gonna be (if you don't want kids, what pets you two are gonna have, and their names) and also what your marriage is gonna be like, it's literally just a matter of time until it eventually happens

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