↳ ❝ dating wilbur ❞

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Prompt: ❝ dating wilbur soot would include ❞
Request? x

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➥ he refers to you as 'love' and 'darling' and just a bunch of little gentlemanly names

➥ (since i'm guessing he's taller than you) he says shit like 'little baby' a lot

➥ even before you two started to date, phil and tommy just claimed you as family (phil as your dad, tommy as your little brother)
↳ they literally knew that you and will were going to get together in the end, so they just adjusted to it almost immediately

➥ tommy just refers to you as wills girlfriend, like you don't have a name, you are just will's girlfriend
↳ though it's all lighthearted, he knows your name, he just chooses to not use it most of the time

➥ he tends to talk to phil and tommy about you in offline calls, just about how much he loves you, and all these little things about your future

➥ he brings you to the studio every time when he practices with lovejoy, and he always asks for your thoughts on each song, no matter what you said before
↳ it's a lot of 'will, i told you yesterday. i love the song'
↳ 'yeah but maybe-'
↳ ' but nothing. i love it'
↳ mostly followed by a little kiss so he knows you put the last word in

➥ he likes to play little acoustic covers of his own songs, just for you

➥ you two just sing a lot of different songs with each other
↳ songs ranging from 80's hits, to old 2000's meme songs, to a couple of modern hits

➥ he definitely has at least one song that reminds him of you, of not a whole playlist of them

➥ he likes to pick you up bridal style a lot, just for the fun of it
↳ he just swoops you up, and carries you places, mostly around your house, but occasionally in public

➥ since he streams in an office building, you don't tend to go with him, so you just wait for him at your home
↳ when he walks in the door, you just give him a huge hug, it's almost a tradition at this point

➥ you bring up your first few dates up a lot, because no matter how gentlemanly he is now, he was an awkward mess who was just too much in love to form an sentences
↳ the only difference between him then and him now, is that he can form sentences around you most of the time, though you still manage to make him speechless

➥ he constantly has to be reminded that you're his, cuz he just doesn't believe it even at this point

➥ he likes to play music and just dance with you to some 2000's slow love song


➥ he really likes to cuddle you from behind, and just pepper your skin with little kisses

➥ he kisses your shoulder blades and neck a lot, not really in an overly sexual way, but just because he likes to make you feel loved, and he just really likes giving you kisses

➥ he gives you his hoodies and sweaters a lot, cuz at this point, he know's you're gonna take them anyway, so he just gives them to you

➥ at this point, you two act like husband and wife, and a lot of the fanbase believes that you two had a tiny wedding, and are just refusing to tell anyone when in reality you two are just waiting for the right time to propose and have the wedding

➥ you both already know what you guys want family wise, like a rough estimate of how many kids and when, and how many pets and such, what the weddings gonna be like, and roughly when it's gonna happen (like when in the year), it's literally just waiting at this point

➥ (extra because i miscounted the arrows and it took so long to copy and paste them on my laggy ass phone) chat sometimes calls you his 'brown m&m'  
     ↳ will honestly forgot what it means, and he's confused, but you get sent the clip in your dms, and you just get tagged in it a lot, with people being like 'wilbut cheating arc?' or 'calling someone a brown m&m is a weird pet name, but whatever turns you on wilbur/hj' or 'is y/n an m&m or...'  and honestly so many more
          ↳ they make you laugh, but you've seen it so much, you sometimes forget that will forgot that he said it in the first place

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