↳ ❝ i'm back, baby❞

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Request?: nah
Irl or minecraft?: irl
Type: fluff
Length: pretty damn short

Summary: Y/n gets to see her boyfriend for the first time in 4 months

(a/n: wrote this while simultaneously stoned and really sick so please tell me if you see any grammatical or spelling errors :))
(a/n: also, i've literally never been in an airport so, don't blame me for my limited knowledge)


You lied on the sofa within your boyfriend's parents house. You were trying to get even a little bit of sleep before Ranboo got back. And since he wasn't gonna be there for another 4 hours at least, you had nothing to worry about. 

But even then, anxiety coursed through your veins. You couldn't believe it. In a few hours you would be seeing your boyfriend again, who you hadn't seen in a little over 4 months. You were excited to say the least but still nervous. 

I mean, who wouldn't be?

It had been 4 months since you had seen each other.
4 months since your last hug.
4 months since your last kiss.
Hell, 4 fucking months since your last horror documentary marathon while lying on his bed, cuddling, as you get scared shitless at the different urban legends that spread across his laptop screen.

You missed it all.
And you were so ready for it to be back.

You woke up without even realising you had been asleep, to a slight nudge to your shoulder. At first, you thought it was his parents trying to get you off the couch for lunch or something, but as soon as you opened your eyes for a mere second, you were proven wrong. 

You quickly sat up, and stood on the couch (ignoring your dizziness from sitting up so fast), and jumped onto your tall boyfriend. You clung onto him like your life depended on it, your arms hugging around his neck, and your legs wrapped around his waist. You nuzzled into his neck, small tears pricking your eyes.

You missed this.
You missed him.

You gently let go of the hug, and you two locked eyes. You quickly leaned forward and kissed him, smiling as wide as the kiss would let you. He used one of his hands to gently wipe away the tears that started to spring from your eyes due to how suddenly you closed them upon the kiss. 

Even after you let go of the kiss, you clung onto him, bringing his back into a hug as more tears fled from your eyes out of the pure happiness you felt. He tightly hugged around your waist, using his other arm to gently play with your hair as you cried into his shoulder.

"I'm back, baby."


wordcount: 448

wrote: november.10.2021

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