↳ ❝ you crying ❞

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Prompt: ❝ how they react to you crying ❞
Request? no (please request D:)

(I feel like all of these are the same thing just in different fonts lmao (with a few exceptions))

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➥ panics

➥ he doesn't know what to do when it comes to emotion

➥ tries to comfort you with hugs

➥ literally hugs are the only thing he can think of

➥ he just doesn't understand how to react when it comes to you being sad

➥ feels really bad because he doesn't know how to react

➥ though big man does his best 

➥ will not let go of the hug unless you ask him to/you stop hugging him back 

➥ he grabs blankets and cuddles you 

➥ puts all discomfort aside 

➥ like no matter how much he isn't a fan of hugs/cuddles, he knows when you need them, and will provide

➥ is more than willing to listen if you are willing to talk

➥ does everything in his power to make you feel better

➥ tries not to let his curiosity get to him as to why you were crying

➥ works sometimes, though 

➥ tries not to laugh to himself, just because of how awkward he is because he knows it would make things worse

➥ picks you up like a literal baby

➥ mans knows based off of how you're crying the sort of situation it is

➥ like a death v. you lost something

➥ deals with it accordingly 

➥ doesn't really understand emotions work, but he understands yours more than his, so thats a plus

➥ deadass treats you like a child

➥ like picking you up, rubbing your back, that shit

➥ mans knows to let you stop crying on your own so it doesn't seem like he's invalidating you

➥ mans just sits you on his lap

➥ hes really nice about wiping away your tears

➥ he tries to make you not sad

➥ not by invalidating you, but just by making you laugh

➥ wants to know what made you cry

➥ just cuz mans wants to know who he has to beat up

➥ says a bunch of sweet things, to try and make you happy

➥ "let me see that beautiful smile"

➥ bear hugs

➥ literally tackles you 

➥ you can't cry if you aren't breathing/j

➥ tight hugs

➥ genuinely thinks that if he hugs you hard enough, it'll just drain the tears out of you

➥ like a sponge

➥ a tear sponge

➥ ... sounds more morbid than I thought

➥ cuddles you

➥ .. then falls asleep while he cuddles you

➥ mans can't help it

➥ like he feels bad when he wakes up, and you're just in his arms with tear stained cheeks

➥ he feels like literal shit

➥ tries to make it up to you after

➥ all the cuddles

➥ makes it his goal to not fall asleep before you for a week

➥  mans doesn't know how to react

➥ like he has only had to deal with his little sisters

➥ he tries tho

➥ he does a little awkward hug

➥ he's really trying

➥ he really is

➥ his doing his best

➥ he tries to give you his hoodie, just for your comfort

➥ mans just tries to make you laugh

➥ like fuck making you 'not sad', he just wants to make you laugh

➥ your laugh just makes him smile

➥ he hates seeing any sort of tears on you

➥ will literally say anything to make you happy

➥ doesn't give a shit if it's gonna come  back later

➥  and it probably will
➥ extra: you sometimes fake crying just to hear it; it's lowkey not a great thing to do and you feel bad, but in your defense, it's funny

➥ either sits you on his lap or picks you up and lets you cry into his chest

➥ it really depends on thier position (like standing v sitting)

➥ she really doesn't want to see you sad though

➥ doesn't really worry about making you 'happy' or 'not sad'

➥ they just try to sooth you 

➥ mostly by rubbing your back, playing with your hair, etc

➥ it's really sweet tbh

➥ you two tend to just watch movies on the couch for the rest of the day (you ain't gonna be left alone after that, nahhh)

➥ hugs

➥ so many hugs

➥ also kisses

➥ so many kisses

➥ he literally just tries to make you laugh

➥ like a distraction from your crying

➥ prolly tickles you

➥ just to see you laugh

➥ makes you things

➥ like baked goods and such

➥ it's really sweet

➥ supportive mom mode on /hj

➥ literally hugs you

➥ like she just hugs you gently and lets you cry into her neck 

➥ "it's okay baby"

➥ "let it all out; i'm here"

➥ he will literally run to you, just to see you and comfort you

➥ he will literally comfort you in any way he can

➥ hugs

➥ kisses

➥ food

➥ literally anything

➥ makes an effort to wipe away every. single. tear.

➥ literally just to make a point

➥ cuddles

➥ like not even hugs, just cuddles

➥ literally picks you up, throws you onto the bed, and cuddles you

➥ whether he lets you cuddle into him, or vice versa, it doesn't really matter

➥ makes every effort to even try and distract you

➥ whether it be by kisses, or jokes

➥ keeps you distracted for the rest of the day

➥ just to make sure that whatever made you sad, won't make you sad again

➥ you probably cry a lot since you have a bald bf/j

➥ in all seriousness, he makes a lot of jokes to make you happy

➥ he probably tries to comfort you in some sort of impression

➥ like fuck being comforted regularly

➥ being comforted by joe swanson or chilled is where it's at

➥ he tries not to laugh while comforting you, just to make sure all his attention is on you

➥ you try and contribute to the bit, just to make it funny (and even to help distract yourself)

➥ you literally treat whoever he is impersonating as your therapist; it's fucking hilarious

➥ hoodies

➥ blankets

➥ kisses

➥ kitties

➥ what more could you need

➥ like this is all one person needs

➥ like you feel sad? just cuddle a kitty (and your gf ig 🙄🙄🙄 /j)

➥ kitties solve all problems

➥ probably offers you a white claw 

➥ then realizes you are actually sad

➥ probably feels like shit, but tries to comfort you

➥ hugs

➥ cuddles from teddy

➥ you living the life

➥ you literally stop crying after a bit, and he just pampers you

➥ he just wants to see you smile


➥ insults in a nice way?

➥ like he just insults you as you cry, but in a comforting way

➥ like you calls you a bitch, while he is literally hugging you and doing anything he can to make you stop crying

➥ he honestly hates seeing you cry

➥ not like he'll say it or anything

➥ literally just hugs you

➥ he wants to make it obvious that he cares

➥ without seeming 'soft' (when in reality he's really just a big softy)


➥ jokes

➥ so many jokes

➥ and puns

➥ he literally just jokes for however long it takes for you to stop crying

➥ laughter is a medicine I guess?

➥ he just goes on and on for however long it takes

➥ however long it takes for you to just lose it and start laughing...

➥ ''oh that one didn't work... oh! did you hear about the italian chef who died? he pasta-way-'


➥ bald man give hug

➥ bald man give great hugs

➥ warm hugs from the bald man

➥ cuddles

➥ hugs

➥ sweet froggy bald man

➥ bald hug (?)

➥ (this one seems half-assed, but I guess you can really see what i'm like after not being high for a couple weeks and I get access to a cart for an hour lmao)


➥ he tries, but it's really awkward

➥ like really awkward

➥ but you can tell he's trying at least-

➥ like he really is

➥ he just isn't the best

➥ he tries to give really awkward hugs, and any sort of affection

➥ tries to think of things he's seen in romance movies he's watched

➥ ends up just trying to relax you, even though he has little to no knowledge how


➥ lets you hug him first, just so he knows he's not overstepping any boundaries

➥ will not let go until you do, so he knows you're in maximum comfort

➥ as soon as you stop crying, he just cuddles you

➥ lil forehead kisses and all that

➥ it's really sweet

➥ like he just wants to make you happy, and keep you happy 

➥ probably grabs a small cloth and just washes away your tears

➥ just cuz he doesn't wanna see tear stains, when he could just see you smile :)

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Dadza (+Mumza): (PLATONIC)

➥ parental panic

➥ literally rush to you

➥ they don't really care if you can breathe, they are hugging you as tight as they can

➥ mumza makes tea and soup, and they literally just baby the shit outta you

➥ mumza continues to comfort you, and phil goes to semi-ironically beat up whatever made you sad

➥ dadza definitely crafts a belt 

➥ they both make sure that you know that whatever made you cry won't hurt you any more

➥ phil's twitter lowkey becomes a (thing that made you cry) anti account

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