↳ ❝ surprise night out❞

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Request?: nope
Irl or minecraft?: irl
Type: fluff
Length: kinda short tbh

Summary: Eret surprises their partner with a night out since they had been asking

(a/n: first time ever writing for eret, and i tried to use all pronouns, though i did use more he/they than i did using she pronouns, so my apologies)


You lied on your partner and your shared bed, just in one of his old hoodies, and a pair of sweatpants. You just scrolled through all sorts of different social medias, ranging from discord to tiktok to twitter to even reddit, just looking at things, only changing sites when you got a notification for another.

It was obvious to anyone you were bored since your boyfriend was out of the house for a little, but you really had nothing to do:
You couldn't talk to Elaina since she was streaming, and that meant you couldn't really stream either.
You couldn't hang out with Goose since they were in Elaina's room as she streamed.
You weren't really in the mood to cook.
You had watched almost everything you had an interest in on Netflix, and you didn't wanna start anything new.
You had no clue whatsoever on what to do, and it was nearing 5pm.

So, you just stayed on the bed, just scrolling on tiktok, looking at edits of Eret, or clips from streams or any video your partner had commented on, just out of interest.


Moments before you were going t to get up and go look for some food in the kitchen, you heard the front door close. You quickly got up from the bed and almost ran downstairs, knowing it was your boyfriend. You ran downstairs and hugged him. 
All this 'being bored' thing had made you feel a little touch starved.

"Hello darling," they said, putting the bag of the couple grocery items on the ground, before hugging you back. "You okay?"

"Just bored is all."

Eret picked you up a little while in the hug, holding you up more by your thighs than your waist. You looked at him a little more, still gently hugging him. "How would you feel about a night out?" Your eyes went wide with excitement. 

"Can we?" you asked like some sort of child when their mum tells them they can get a certain amount of candy from the sweets shop. 

"Do you want to?" they asked. You nodded like a hyper 4-year-old. "Then of course we can, love."

You hugged around his neck. "Thank you."

"No problem darling."

You hugged him tightly quickly, before letting go and running off to get ready. Just as you rounded the corner, you heard a small laugh, followed by your boyfriend's voice. "We'll leave in about an hour, okay?"

"Alright!" you said back, before running up the stairs, and grabbing your things, before running into the bathroom to shower.

- - -

You quickly showered and changed into a simple dress you had found in your closet, and looked at yourself in the mirror with a slight smile. You then ran off to find Elaina, since you saw that she ended her stream, and had her help you with your hair and makeup. And in a little less than an hour, she had finished. You quickly thanked her before running back into your room to grab a few accessories and shoes.

And just like that, you were done. It had taken a little over an hour to get ready, but Eret had never said 'exactly an hour', they said 'about an hour', so you didn't feel a need to worry about it.


Meanwhile, Eret stood right next to the door in a simple button-up, with dress pants and a simplistic corset. He chuckled to himself as they heard you running around upstairs, from room to room. They smiled to themselves at the idea of you trying to make yourself go from a 10 to an 11. In her mind, the fact that you were running around made them think about how hard you had to try to get yourself to look even better than a 10 out of 10. 

As soon as he heard the slight creaking of the stairs, they looked up from their phone. And soon they were met with your beautiful e/c eyes.

And if it was even possible, Eret fell in love with you more the longer they looked at you, taking in your features; from your soft lips to your slight curves, every part of you amazed her. Anyone could see the dilation in their eyes as they looked at you. As you two made eye contact, you saw his eyes dilate just a bit more, making a light blush flush over your face, before you walked over to your wonderful partner, ready for the night ahead of you. 


wordcount: 748

wrote: november.14.2021

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