↳ ❝ birthday girl :) ❞ [karlnapity]

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Request?: nopeee
Irl or minecraft?: irl
Type: fluff
Length: looong 

summary: since it's her birthday, y/n's 3 boyfriends all come together to celebrate with her :)(this is a poly thing, so don't feel a need to read this if it makes you feel uncomfortable)
(you four all live together)

(a/n: since a couple of days ago (sep.20) was my bday, i figured it would be fun to write a bday oneshot :D)
(also, i wrote all of this on my phone in the middle of math class, so please point out any errors you see <3)


You lied in bed, cuddled by the 3 loves of your life, eyes closed as you tried to wake up for the day. You peeked open your eyes, before closing them almost immediately because of the bright, glowing sun that reflected through your window. Your body tensed a little, and you curled up a little more, but you could only move so much considering the position you and your boyfriends were in;

You lied in the middle of the queen bed, slightly turned on your side, with Nick on your left, his left arm gently draped around your waist. Alex lied on the other side of you, facing you, his head right above your shoulder. Then Karl lied directly on top of you, arms around your waist, head on your chest, cuddling into you.
Sure it was a jumble of 4 people cuddling together, though, for you four, it was paradise.

You opened your eyes, getting used to the newfound brightness, before glancing at the clock. You checked the time, to see it was only just after 10 am, meaning you had only slept for 3 hours since you had all done a late-night stream the night before. Your exhaustion washed over you again, so you closed your eyes again, falling back asleep in mere seconds.

- - -

You awoke a couple of hours later, but this time, a little colder. You're eyes opened, and you noticed the lack of your three partners on the bed. Instead, you lied alone on the queen-sized mattress.

You sat up against the headboard and grabbed your phone to check for any texts or calls or even a voicemail explaining why you woke up alone. Nothing. You got up from the bed, quickly brushed through your hair, brushing your teeth, before walking downstairs. You didn't make an effort to get dressed, there was no real reason to anyway. As you walked down the stairs, you noticed it was quiet, which wasn't something common knowing your boyfriends, but you couldn't help but notice the almost whispery bickering. You smiled to yourself, quietly chuckling, as you continued to walk down the stairs.

You walked around the corner, and a handful of scents came rushing at you.
A mix of pure sugar, maple, coffee, and the all too familiar smell of baked goods flew towards you.

You stood in the doorway of the kitchen as you watched the three rush around. You gently shook your head as you stood against the doorway in one of Nick's old shirts. You watched as Karl laughed at whatever Alex was doing, which appeared to be trying to flip the obviously burnt pancakes. Then you looked over to Nick, who was trying to take the cake that was overflowing the cake pan out of the oven.

You tried not to laugh before you spoke up. "Now, what could you three possibly be doing?"

They all froze and looked over to you, only now noticing where you stood. Nick gently placed the cake on the top of the oven, and Alex went to put the burnt pancake on the platter. They stared at you, but you all lost it when the pancake made a small 'clink ' sound. You and Karl lost it first, followed by Nick's giggles, and Alex's louder laughs. Your heart felt warm hearing the laughter of the three people you loved most in the world.

After a few moments of laughing, you walked further into the kitchen, but Karl stopped you after you took a few steps. He turned you around and picked you up over his shoulder, before bringing you to the living room, almost throwing you on the sofa. You lied on the sofa you had been thrown onto and looked up at one of your partners whomst was stood in front of you. You tried to act angry, considering you were thrown onto the sofa, but you couldn't hold a straight face for long as you made perfect eye contact with Karl, as he smiled down at you as he stood on the outside of the arm of the couch. ((a/n: does that sentence make sense?)) You smiled back, before sitting back up and pecking his lips. You sat up regularly, and he walked to behind where you sat, and draped his arms around your shoulders, and kissed your neck. He nuzzled into you after, giggling.

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