↳ ❝ completely stoned ❞

1.5K 9 19

Request?: nopeee
Irl or minecraft?: irl
Type: fluff
Length: medium-long 

Summary: while hanging out with his girlfriend, ranboo realises the kind of people he's hanging out with, but doesn't care
(imagine ranboo is still in highschool; senior year to be exact)
(also, you are a streamer as well; averaging 25-30k viewers)

(a/n: for legal reasons, this isn't based on what i did with my friends last night (10/15) lmao {only difference is that i'm a sophomore and i'm writing you as a senior lmao})

CW!: this oneshot contains drug usage, and it's not subtle either. if this is triggering to you in any way, don't feel a need to read this one, because there is physically no way around the drug talk :(


It was the last day of sports week, or homecoming.
The one week that is filled with home games for all the sports teams of the high school, followed by a pep rally on the Friday at the end of the week, and a bonfire later that night, not to mention the spirit days that filled up the week, despite no one doing them other than a few select students.

But you were spending that Friday night after the bonfire how any teen should:
Not only surrounded by your friends, but getting stoned and buzzed, since your parents were out of town.

You and your relatively small friend group sat in your bedroom, just chilling at 10pm.
You sat on the end of your bed, your boyfriend, Ranboo, next to you.
Your friend Kaden, who was a junior, sat in the char in the corner, Lydia and Lexi, two of your other friends who were seniors, sat on the floor against the closet door, Ari, who was also a junior lied near the foot of your bed, and Nevaeh, who was a friend of yours who was now a college-freshman, sat back to your bedroom door.

Kaden held onto the wax pen he had.
Lydia held a small blunt, going between bringing it to her lips, and Lexi's.
Ari just sat on her phone, holding onto one of the many edibles you had made the night before.
Nevaeh held onto her vape, taking a hit every 10 or so seconds.
And then you sat, replacing your cart with a new one, before taking a hit from your dab pen.

- - -

Ranboo had never really been one for drugs ad such, he never had any real interest in being a stoner or anything even close to one. But he didn't really care that he was in the same room as 6 of them. It wasn't that he was enjoying the overbearing weed smell, and light smell of nic from the vape, and a couple of other things that sat on your dresser; he just didn't really care that you all were druggies

- - -

The 2000's rock music blared through your phone and speaker, playing songs by Avril Lavigne and Linkin Park and Greenday and so much more. No one in the room really cared about the music that was playing anymore. It was almost 2am, and you all sat in your bedroom, high, illuminated by the red LEDs you had.
You guys had just been taking a hit, and having basic conversations about school drama, and more; about how Kelly cheated on her boyfriend with her ex, and how Emma was talking shit about Azlynn and you, and how Emma was probably gonna get her shit rocked, come next Tuesday, and just overall joking about how long you would be suspended for knocking someones head into a locker.

Ranboo had never really been one for socialising or drama, but it was all so calm in this room.
No one was even conscious enough to judge what he said, so he really didn't care.

He looked over to you as you took another hit from your pen, taking in the slight strawberry of the cart you had put in, your opposite hand intertwined as you two sat on the bed. He watched as you blew out the smoke, setting your hand that held the pen back to the bed. You gently leaned on his shoulder, taking in his comfort during the late night hours of midnight. Your friends had all gone to the other bedroom a few doors down so they could all sleep, as they had all gotten tired from their highs, leaving you two the only ones awake, and the only two in your room. You turned the music down a little, and just lied on his shoulder, taking hits, getting higher every minute or so.
He started to feel himself getting contact high as 1am hit, and even though it all hit him quickly, he didn't make an effort to stop it from continuing, worried about disturbing your barely conscious form.

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