Chapter 1

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A/N: The characters in this story belong to Shonda Rhimes. I just appreciate the opportunity to play in their world. 

“Shit…” Olivia was running late.

She rushed around her apartment quickly collecting her Prada purse and briefcase while shrugging into her coat and heading for the front door. Rushing into the elevator her phone began to vibrate.

 “Olivia Pope” she answered in an exasperated tone.

“Where are you?” replied the person on the other end, “You’re late”

“Cyrus, I’m on my way. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

Olivia ended the call and climbed into the back of her waiting town car, “Good morning Mark” she greeted her driver, “We’re late”

“Good morning, Miss Pope” replied Mark as he closed her door and moved behind the wheel.

Olivia spent the ride to her meeting typing away on her iPhone answering emails and texts. Ten minutes later they pulled up outside Cyrus’ Manhattan office building.

“You’re the best,” declared Olivia giving Mark’s arm a friendly squeeze as she slid out of the car and hurried into the building’s lobby. Smiling to the security guard, Olivia moved into the elevator and pressed the button for the 16th floor.  When the doors opened she froze as she nearly crashed headlong into the most perfect pair of azure eyes.

“Pardon me,” breathed the blue eyed, suit clad man.

“Excuse me,” uttered Olivia when she finally regained the resolve to move. She felt his eyes follow her as she hurried into Cyrus’ office bypassing his secretary, Mary.

“Here I am Cy, it only took me thirteen minutes” Olivia stated triumphantly, removing her elbow length gloves and situating herself in one of the plush armchairs in the office.

“And that’s only 45 minutes late, Liv,” smiled Cyrus giving his former star pupil a hug. It was impossible for Cy to be angry at Olivia. She was smart, funny….and he needed her help.

“I said I was sorry, old man,” grinned Olivia, “Now what can I do for you?”

Cyrus handed Olivia a photo of the man that she had literally run into as she got off the elevator, “This is Fitzgerald Grant III, he wants to be President of the United States.”

“So….you want me to vote for him?” Olivia asked with a perplexed glance.

“No, I want you to meet him, learn everything you can about him, and get him elected.” Cyrus declared gleefully, “And there’s no time like the present.”

Cyrus moved to his desk and asked Mary to send in Fitzgerald Grant. Olivia felt her palms get slightly clammy as she self-consciously straightened her blouse and took a quick survey of her reflection. Am I nervous, why am I nervous to meet a client? Olivia asked herself as the door opened and she was again struck with those piercing blue eyes. This time she took the time to notice more of the man. He was at least 6 feet tall with a perfectly tailored Brooks Brothers suit and a crooked smile that instantly caused a flutter in Olivia’s stomach when he set his eyes upon her.

“Hi” he stepped assertively towards Olivia with an outstretched hand, “nice to run into you again.”

Olivia shook his hand, doing her best to cover her nervousness, “Nice to meet you Mr. Grant, I’m Olivia Pope.”

“Nice to meet you Olivia” Fitz held on a beat longer than was probably appropriate but he found himself wanting to maintain contact with this petite, gorgeous beauty, “and please, call me Fitz.”

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