Chapter 13

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            It was 6:30 and Olivia was getting ready for her dinner with Jake. She pulled on a pair of skinny jeans and a sweater, and then fixed her hair and makeup.  She was really looking forward to finding out more about Jake’s life after boarding school. She knew he had attended the Naval Academy but contemplated what else he had been up to.  Jake had been a fantastic chemistry student in high school, she wondered if he had pursued that in college.

            Lost in thought she almost didn’t hear her phone ring. She reached to pick it up from next to her on the couch, “Olivia Pope”

“Hey Liv, did you dig up any dirt on Owens?”

“I have a guy working on it,” she replied.

“We’re running out of time Liv. I’ve pulled all the media favors I can. You have to come through for me.”

“I’m on it, Cy.”

“That’s why I hired you Liv. You always come through for me.” Cyrus sounded like a proud father when he spoke to Olivia.

            Olivia hung up the phone and turned her attention back to the news show she had been watching. She turned up the volume when she saw Fitz’s picture flash across the screen.

“Fitzgerald Grant took some time off with his family today at his Philadelphia area home,” she heard the reporter say, “Next week he begins his push for the Republican presidential nomination. We spoke with him briefly.”

“I’m taking time with my family and making sure I stay connected with my children,” Fitz’s voice warmed her even as it emanated from her television, “Next week we begin full time work to do what’s best for this country. We have a fantastic team full of remarkable ideas and we are hoping that America will give us the opportunity to serve them.”  His smile could melt steel, genuine and laidback.  She found herself watching his mouth move, suddenly unaware of the words he was speaking but agonizingly aware of the tension creeping through her body. Unconsciously she touched her lips, feeling the heat of his as if they were pressed to hers. The news story ended and Olivia felt the room slide back into focus. She stood and went to the kitchen for a glass of water then into the bathroom to check her appearance again and touchup her makeup. As she came back into the living room she heard a knock at her door opening it to find Jake.

“Right on time Jake,” Olivia smiled.

“We Navy men are always punctual,” Jake returned her grin, “I’m sure you have noticed that with Fitz.”

“Well, we actually haven’t spent that much time together,” replied Olivia, attempting to cover her discomfort with discussing Fitz, “You know, since I just started with the campaign.”

“Oh right….should we get going?” Olivia felt Jake’s hand touch the small of her back as he led her toward the elevator.

            Jake led Olivia out the front door of her building then to his car. He opened the passenger side door for Olivia then climbed into the driver’s seat of the Z4 convertible.

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