Chapter 19

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            The day’s schedule was going to be chaotic. Mellie rolled over stretching her hand across the bed finding the cool sheet still neatly tucked under the mattress. Fitz hadn’t come back to their room the night before. She wasn’t surprised but she found herself feeling lonely and sad again. She wondered if she could manage to continue this charade for eight more years. Reminding herself that her lifelong dream was to be First Lady, Mellie climbed out of bed and began preparing herself for the day. Just as she was emerging from the shower there was a knock on her door. She found the bellman with a large bouquet of flowers which she grasped and turned back into the room. She opened the card reading the note and smiling.


I would never let you wake up alone.

I miss your smile.




            Mellie closed her eyes and smelled the flowers allowing their captivating fragrance to wash over her. She couldn’t remember the last time Fitz had brought her flowers. Their marriage was more a business relationship, a bond formed out of convenience rather than affection. Still, he didn’t even pretend anymore though she rarely had the energy herself. Things were so much more natural with Rob. She wondered what Fitz would say if he found the flowers, or better, if he read the note. Would finding out about her relationship with Rob really bother Fitz? She wondered how Fitz managed to go through life without affection or intimacy.

            Fitz cautiously opened his eyes, wondering if he had dreamt up the beautiful woman he held in his arms. As his eyes focused in the faint light of early morning he saw a heap of black curls spilling over his chest. He felt himself smile as he became aware of her soft breath skimming his abdomen as she slept. He didn’t want to wake her; he wanted to watch her enjoy her last few moments of slumber before waking to the harried day.  He shifted slightly resting his left arm behind his head. He thought of his campaign without Olivia, it would be more difficult, far less enjoyable. But then he turned his thoughts to his life without Olivia, which was unbearable and frightening. He didn’t know how he would manage to see her as often as he would like but if she made him choose between working with her and loving her it was an easy decision. If only he could find a way to convince her that the campaign needed her as much as he did.

“Good morning, Handsome” Olivia’s breath tickled Fitz’s chest as she spoke.

“Good morning Livie” Fitz smiled as she turned to face him, “Did you sleep well?”

            Olivia yawned and gave a little stretch, “It was the best sleep I’ve had since the last time I slept next to you.”

“You know in all of the excitement last night I forgot to give you something” said Fitz reaching over and pulling a small box out of the pocket of his coat which was draped on the chair next to the bed. He placed the box in front of Olivia on his chest.

“For me?” she asked tentatively touching the beautiful pink ribbon tied around the box.

            She slowly untied the bow allowing the ends to drag against Fitz’s chest as she removed it. He relished the brush of the satin and her silky skin on his.

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