Chapter 17

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            Olivia glanced at her watch for what seemed like the thousandth time, it read 7:55. She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly, and then opened the door to her hotel room, heading to meet Mellie. She approached the door to the suite, pausing and considering turning and running. Then the door opened.

“Olivia,” said Mellie, “come in.” She moved aside, allowing Olivia to step past her. She gestured towards the couch and Olivia took a seat. Mellie followed suit, turning to face Olivia.

“Mellie, I’m not really sure why you asked me here…” Olivia began in the strongest voice she could muster.

“We need to get some things out in the open, Liv,” replied Mellie. Terror began to rise in Olivia’s gut as she did her best to maintain eye contact with Mellie.

“Is there a problem Mrs. Grant?”

“I know Cyrus brought you on board to help my husband but I really need your help as well.” The statement shocked Olivia, “I really think we need to do whatever it takes to get Fitz and me into the White House.”

“That’s why I’m here” stated Olivia, feeling as though she was walking into a trap, “to get Fitz, Governor Grant, elected.”

“I’m glad you said that, I need you to look at this” Mellie handed Olivia a folder.

            Opening it Olivia began to read. She felt the blood rush from her head as she read in-depth reports of Mellie’s interactions with Senator Robert Owens.

“Where did these come from?” asked Olivia.

“Sally Langston’s campaign manager hired an investigator to follow me.” Mellie was matter of fact, “Liv, you have to help me. It would kill Fitz if he knew and destroy his chances of ever becoming President.”

“Mellie, I…” Olivia began.

“Liv, you’re not stupid, you know that our marriage is not an affectionate one. Fitz has never been very interested in sex, he’s not very affectionate. He barely touches me and when he does he wants to do things that I would never consider doing as a lady.” Olivia’s thoughts turned to Fitz’s hands touching her and what they had done earlier that day in the meeting room closet. She wondered if those were the kind of non-ladylike things of which Mellie spoke. Then Mellie continued, “I met Robert about a year ago when I was in Ohio visiting my Mother. His father was friends with my father. It started out innocently enough, we met for a drink and he was so attentive and nice to me. He made me feel attractive and desirable again. I was just trying to get him to endorse Fitz.”  Tears welled in Mellie’s eyes.

“So you slept with him?” Olivia was incredulous.

“I didn’t mean for it to happen Liv,” now Mellie was crying.

            Olivia wasn’t sure what to say or do. She reached over and tentatively patted Mellie’s arm. Mellie gave Liv an appreciative half-smile through her tears.

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