Chapter 16

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            Olivia felt herself spinning, plummeting quickly out of control as she and Fitz reacquainted themselves with one another. She felt his hands on her waist branding her with his heat as his tongue hungrily explored her mouth. She moved her hands over his powerful chest then down his back, coming to rest on his firm ass. He groaned against her mouth and she felt his sudden rise of enthusiasm against her abdomen. Just as Fitz felt himself beginning to completely lose control he moved his hands to either side of her face, pulling back so he could look into her eyes.

“Livie, I missed you” his voice was heavy with desire and anticipation.

“I missed you too” Olivia replied almost inaudibly, “Cyrus is going to be looking for us.”

“I don’t want to talk about Cyrus, Livie” his eyes closed and she felt his breath on her lips.

“Okay, how about Mellie? Karen? Gerry?” she needed to jolt him from the cloud of their desire as much as she wanted to continue what they were doing. His eyes opened and she saw reality there.

“Fair enough” he looked down at his feet as he took a step back, “I guess we better get back inside.” He dared to look back into her eyes, “But I’m going to hold your hand.”

            Olivia smiled in spite of herself, “You drive a hard bargain Governor.” They straightened themselves then Fitz took Olivia’s hand in his, relishing the feel of their fingers dancing together.

“How are you Livie?” he asked as they walked.

“Much better now,” replied Olivia, “Cyrus and I have been really busy. This election is going to be a real roller coaster ride.”


            They neared the door to the hotel, Fitz letting out an audible whimper as Olivia slipped her hand from his. They walked to the ballroom, Fitz walking in first and Olivia following several minutes later. As Olivia strode into the room feeling as though she could not possibly be any happier she caught a glimpse of Mellie talking to one of the campaign staffers. Suddenly she was self-conscious and anxious. Olivia felt Mellie’s eyes fixate on her. She reached for a report that was sitting on the table next to her, pretending to study it as Mellie approached.

“Hello Olivia” Mellie tried to sound gentle though she felt anything but so.

“Hello Mrs. Grant” Olivia’s voice sounded foreign in her head, she felt intimidated and uneasy, “How was your flight?”

“It was fine, a nice break with my husband and children” the way Mellie said the word husband was as if it was intended to remind Olivia of her claim on Fitz, “The kids are just so excited to see their grandmother. How about you, did you have a nice flight?”

“I slept most of the way,” Olivia tried to pretend she was talking to a friend instead of Mellie, “Cy and I have been burning the midnight oil trying to get the campaign off to a good start.”

“Well I know Fitz appreciates your work,” Mellie warmed just a bit, “He talks about your talents all the time.” Olivia tried to hide her shock at the last statement as Mellie continued, “Political and legal talents, of course.”

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