Chapter 5

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            Fitz walked closely behind Olivia as they were seated at the Chef’s Table tucked in the wine cellar of the restaurant she had chosen.  “The House” was located in a renovated 1854 carriage house overlooking Gramercy Park and was, by far, the most romantic place Fitz had ever seen. He pulled out Olivia’s chair and gently scooted her closer to the table as she sat down

allowing his hand to trail down her bare arm as he stepped past her to take his seat.

“This place is amazing, Livie” Fitz said taking the menu from the maître d’ handed and contemplating the intimate atmosphere. As the man began to hand him the wine list, Fitz interjected, “Give that to Olivia. She is the wine expert.”

            He beamed with what could only be described as pride at Olivia as the maître d’ left them to choose their meals.

“It’s one of my favorites” she returned his smile, “They have the most amazing wine list and the chef is a friend.”

“I wondered how we managed to walk in without a reservation and get seated at what must be one of the most coveted tables in the city” he leaned closer to her as he spoke, “You are full of surprises Livie.”

            She wasn’t sure whether it was the use of what was quickly becoming her favorite word or the feel of his fingertips skimming her knee lightly under the table but she found herself unable to do anything but grin at Fitz.  Olivia was sure that he would remove his hand when the waiter approached to take their order but instead he began to trace circles around her kneecap. They managed to order and found themselves alone again.

“Fitz…”Olivia began feeling every inch of her body respond to his touch, “You should probably tell me more about yourself….you know, for the campaign.” She felt the pressure of his fingers lighten and then disconnect altogether. She yearned for him to touch her again but knew that the location and timing were all wrong.

            They spent the remainder of the meal chatting about their childhoods, law school, and their mutual friend Cyrus. They shared a bottle of Shafer Relentless Napa Valley red allowing their conversation to flow where it would as they leisurely enjoyed the meal and companionship. He would say something funny and she would touch his arm. Their exchange would become more serious and he would clasp her hand. The interaction between them seemed so natural, comfortable, unforced.

            They finished their dinner and Fitz handed the waiter his credit card despite Olivia’s protests that they should split the check. She was unlike any woman he’d ever dated. Is that what this is…dating….no, this is work, we’re working…he forced himself to decide.  He was used to having a certain effect on women and had spent his early twenties enjoying the attention of plenty of them, but no woman ever had the effect on him that Livie did.

            Fitz helped Olivia to her feet and hesitated to let go of her hand as they made their way out of the restaurant and onto the bustling street. This time she held tighter to his hand sending a pulse of heat through his entire being.

“Walk with me Livie?” Fitz gestured towards the park. She nodded shyly and they began to walk in that direction.

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