Chapter 6

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            Fitz stood in the elevator, the weight of the world upon him. He fought the tears that burned at his eyes, praying that he could make the trip to his penthouse suite uninterrupted.  As he heard the doors begin to slide closed he allowed his tears to slip down his cheeks.  He wiped away the drops, experiencing the emptiness that surrounded him as he stood all alone.

            He heard the doors finish closing and suddenly he could smell her perfume and the coconut shampoo from her hair that still lingered on his fingers. He took a deep breath, keeping his eyes closed as he enjoyed the vivid memories of her. Then he felt breath on his neck as two diminutive hands skimmed his chest. Before he could open his eyes she spoke, “Why so sad, Governor?”

            His eyes flew open and the flood of emotions he was holding back fell as uninhibited tears.

“Livie?” he whispered as if speaking her name would make her disappear

“Fitz…” Olivia breathed, her own eyes growing moist.

            He reached for her small frame, pulling her to him.  She moved her hands to embrace him and rested her ear over his heart. He found himself wondering if, in that instant, she could hear it beat her name.

            The elevator doors opened and he pulled her into the hallway towards his room. His hands trembled as he pushed the keycard into the lock and held the door open so she could walk inside. She’s here….in my room….Livie thought Fitz as he closed and locked the door behind them. Olivia looked around the room noting how tidy it was, likely owed to the short time Fitz spent in the Navy before law school. She loved how much she had learned about this complex man tonight.  The desire to learn more about him was what brought her to his room, she told herself.

            Fitz strode up behind her snaking his arms around her waist and placing delicate kisses just beneath her ear. Olivia permitted her head to fall back against him providing uninhibited access to her neck. Fitz licked a molten path from her ear, down the side of her neck, and to her shoulder.  He pulled her closer slipping his hands across her belly and down her thighs. She reached behind her to run her hands through his hair, maintaining the contact between his scorching mouth and her body.  He paid careful attention to kissing and caressing every inch of skin that was exposed, not wanting to miss the taste of her. As he moved them further into the room he caught sight of the clock sitting on the nightstand, it read 8:30. He nibbled her ear appreciating the moan that softly seeped from her lips then kissed her delicately on the shoulder and turned her to face him.

“Livie” His eyes met passion as they peered into hers, “Livie, I’m sorry I have to make a call”

            Reality came rushing back into the room as Olivia felt all of her oxygen rush out. She again felt tears threatening to fall as his fingers traced a familiar path along her jawline and down to her shoulders. He kissed her lips gently and forced himself to turn away from her. He’s calling HER…thought Olivia as a single tear rolled down her cheek…this is how it’s always going to be….stolen moments….but he’ll always call her. Suddenly Olivia felt silly and regretful.

Fitz reached into his pocket and withdrew his phone. Olivia grabbed for her purse as she heard him speak into the phone, “Hello Mellie” he paused, sighing as he clearly got an earful from his wife, “Mellie I didn’t call to talk about that.”  He sounded annoyed at whatever she was saying. Olivia walked to the door as Fitz continued on the phone, “I called to say goodnight to Karen and Gerry, Mellie. Could you put them on the phone?”

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