Chapter 38

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            Olivia rushed around her apartment straightening throw pillows and adjusting pictures. She was waiting for Fitz to pick her up. They were meeting her parents for dinner at Gramercy Tavern. She had always credited her father with her interest in politics so she thought he would enjoy the opportunity to meet Fitz and discuss policy. It was also a nice excuse to spend time with the man she loved. Her phone rang and she answered, “Hello”

“Hi” she heard Fitz’s baritone voice bringing a smile to her lips.


“Livie, I’m really nervous about meeting your parents” Fitz admitted, “Is your dad a big man?”

            Olivia laughed, “You bet and he owns lots of guns.”

“I hope you’re joking” he said with a cautious laugh.

“Fitz, relax” she breathed in her most soothing voice, “Are you almost here?”

“That’s why I called, I’m just around the corner,” she heard relief in his voice, “I’ll be at your door in ten minutes.”

“Okay, see you then.”

“Bye Livie”


            Olivia went back to her tidying finally admitting to herself that she was nervous about her parents meeting Fitz as well. She wanted them to like him but she wasn’t sure how she would tell them that he was so much more than the candidate she worked for, more than the handsome governor of Pennsylvania, more than a married man she was having an affair with. She looked down at her bracelet and forced herself to smile. He loved her, she believed that wholeheartedly, but she worried that she would always be thought of as his mistress. She wondered if anyone could really understand their situation. From the outside she was part of the events that led to the end of a marriage. To the uninformed eye she was a home wrecker. The truth was that they had never intended it to happen. She reasoned that the marriage was over, that Mellie’s betrayal ended their union long before she and Fitz had met. But she knew what her parents would think. She knew the disappointed look her father would get and the stern lecture her mother would give her. Olivia felt it best that they not tell her parents about their relationship yet. Fitz had begrudgingly agreed.

            The doorbell rang and she nearly skipped to answer it. She opened the door and was nearly floored by the handsome man standing in her doorway. Fitz was dressed in well-fitting black slacks, a white button down opened just far enough to tease at the chiseled physique underneath, and a jacket. She stood for a moment allowing herself to take him in.

“Enjoying the view?” Fitz asked tipping his hips slightly, “Are you ready to go?”

“Let me get my coat” Olivia replied tearing her eyes away from him long enough to turn back to her apartment and retrieve her coat and purse.  Fitz took her hand, interlacing their fingers, and they walked to his waiting car. The driver opened the door for the couple and they ducked in, hands still clasped.

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