Chapter 30

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“You’re a pretty good dancer” Fitz broke the silence, pulling Olivia tighter against him as they moved across the dance floor.

“You’re not too bad yourself,” she smiled up at him allowing herself a moment to look deeply into his eyes. She tried to think of what the correct name for their color would be. Were they cerulean? Or maybe gunmetal? But they could also be crystal blue. They were deep and expressive, darker when he was sad or in deep thought and sparkling when he smiled or when he was playing with Karen and Gerry.

“What?” he asked when she continued to stare into his eyes.

“Nothing,” she shifted her eyes to something off in the distance, “I was just thinking.”

            Fitz moved his hand slightly from Olivia’s waist to the small of her back then allowed his hand to spread so his fingers were just touching the top of her backside. She felt her entire body flush, blood rushing to her center as her breathing became shallow and more rapid. In moments like this she was acutely aware of every point on her body that was in contact with his. Fitz pressed his hips into Olivia just slightly, allowing her to feel his growing arousal. As they moved to the music Fitz found his face close to her hair, enjoying the mixture of the smell from her hair products intermingled with her perfume and the body wash he recalled rubbing all over every inch of her body the times they had showered together.

“Fitz” Olivia’s cheek was nearly against his chest.


“We can’t be this close to one another” she didn’t like having to say it but they needed to be careful, “Pretend that I’m just someone who works for you.”

“Wouldn’t life be so much simpler if I could pretend not to be absolutely crazy about you…” a short laugh escaped his lips.

            She laughed, considering how simple life would be if many things that had transpired over the past few months had happened differently. She shook her head to clear the notion from her mind then returned her focus to the dance floor and their surroundings. The song ended and they walked back towards the table. Olivia sat and took a sip of her wine as she watched couples move together. Karen looked over in her direction, clearly enjoying her dance with James. Olivia gave her a small smile and thumbs up. Fitz took the seat next to Olivia letting his hand touch her thigh briefly.

“I should get the kids to bed” he spoke near Olivia’s ear.

“I’ll tuck them in” she responded, “You stay out here with your guests….maybe find a defibrillator to bring Cyrus back around.”  They both looked in Cyrus’ direction.  He sat on the other side of the table muttering to himself and shaking his head occasionally.

“You joke,” smiled Fitz, “I think the man might be headed for a coronary.”

“Well if you keep springing divorces on people,” she met his smile with her own, “The poor guy just wants to get you into the White House.”

“And, if you recall my Sweet, he wanted me to do that with Mellie by my side,” Fitz traced a pattern on Olivia’s palm as he looked at it intently, “Cyrus is a great strategist but you can never trust him one hundred percent.”

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