Chapter 14

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            Olivia woke to the sound of her alarm. She pressed snooze without even opening her eyes and rolled over. Just as the last shreds of the day slipped away and she fell back to sleep her phone rang. She reached for it with a touch of irritation with whoever thought it remotely appropriate to call her at 5 AM.

“Olivia Pope” she tried to sound tired instead of annoyed.

“Liv I don’t know how you did it but the story about Owens and Mellie is nowhere to be seen.”

“And you couldn’t wait to tell me this at the office Cy?” she replied, rolling to face the ceiling, “I’m still in bed.”

“Sleeping in these days?” Cyrus asked, “I thought you went for a run every morning.”

“Didn’t feel like it today,” Olivia’s response was simple and honest but there was so much more to it. It had been just over a week since she had seen Fitz. In five days she and Cyrus were flying to California to meet up with Fitz, Mellie, and their children to begin campaigning full-time.  She wasn’t sure what it would be like being constantly on the road and seeing Fitz and Mellie together certainly wouldn’t be easy.  She knew any affection between the two would surely be an act but it didn’t make it any more palatable.

“Are you feeling okay?” Cyrus’ concerned question broke her from her thoughts.

“Fine, Cy,” she replied, “Just lots to get ready for hitting the campaign trail and I’m tired.”

“Thanks again for helping us out Liv,” his voice softened, “I know you gave up a great job and it won’t be easy traveling all over the country…on a bus.”  He said those last three words with a measure of repugnance.

“It’ll be fun, Old Man” she laughed, “The whole team together, strategizing, working closely together. It’s the democratic process at its purest.”

Cyrus stifled a laugh, “You are so idealistic. A fierce attorney but there’s still that sweet, innocent girl layered in there somewhere. I think you’ve really brought about a change in Fitz. He’s focused, ready to win this thing.”

“I agree, he’s going to be the frontrunner” Olivia imagined Fitz winning the presidency, sitting behind the resolute desk in the Oval Office, looking so handsome on inauguration day….then her mind finished the picture. Mellie. She was going to work to get Fitz elected, he would be President, Mellie would be First Lady, Cyrus would likely be Chief of Staff, and she would be…Where will I be left after the election? She asked herself. A fond memory, a story to tell his friends, his mistress.  She shuddered at the thought and wondered if she should end things with Fitz before either of them got in any deeper.

“Well, I’ll let you go so you can get ready” stated Cyrus, “I’ll see you at the office.”

“Bye, Old Man, see you at the office.”

            Olivia forced herself to get out of bed, shivering as her feet hit the cold hardwood floor. She chose her clothes and carried them into the bathroom along with her towel. She quickly showered and put on makeup before leaving to meet Cyrus for another jam-packed day. They had averted one scandal but she knew there would be plenty more. When she opened her apartment door she nearly fell over a box sitting in the hallway. Looking down she noticed it was addressed to her. She carried it inside, deciding to open it before leaving for work. Retrieving scissors from the kitchen, she cut the packing tape and peeled back the flaps of the box. She removed the card perched on top of the tissue paper.  Inside was a simple note:

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