Chapter 42

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            Fitz awoke early excited to greet the new day. He gently slid his arm from under Olivia and pulled on his boxer shorts and a t-shirt then went to the kitchen to make coffee. He gathered the day’s newspapers and carried the coffee back to the bedroom. He placed the tray on the nightstand and slid back into bed next to Olivia. She had pulled the blankets tighter around her after he left but she was still asleep, dark curls spilling across the pillow. He slid himself against her and began placing light kisses on her shoulder and neck. She stirred slightly at his touch.

“Livie” he whispered into her curls.

“Fitz…” she murmured, “Go away I’m having the greatest dream.”

            He couldn’t see the grin on her face but he heard it in her voice.

“A great dream, huh?” he moved his lips to her jaw, “Is your dream better than this?” He pressed his now erect cock harder against her hip.

“Yes” her eyes were still closed but he could see the smirk on her face, “The guy in my dream…”

“Who is he, Livie?” Fitz’s warm breath tickled the spot on her neck that was her weakness.

“He’s the President” she breathed, “So powerful…”

“Mmm, so power turns you on?” he flipped her to her back and nuzzled her neck, nibbling her delicate skin; “I guess you’re going to have to get me elected then.”

“I plan to Governor” she giggled.

            Fitz brushed a stray hair from her face and ran his thumb along her lips, “You are so beautiful.”

            Olivia blushed, “Thanks”

“I made us coffee and I brought you the papers” he kissed her briefly then rolled away from her to retrieve the newspapers.  Olivia sat up and propped herself against the headboard taking the cup of coffee Fitz handed her.

“Thank you” she smiled and took a sip, “You spoil me.”

“I’ve been waiting so long to be able to spoil you,” he beamed picking up one of the papers and beginning to peruse the front page, “I want to spoil you for the rest of my life.”

            Olivia rolled her eyes, “You’re so corny sometimes.”

“I am horny but what does that have to…..oh you said corny” he said coaxing a laugh from her. She folded the newspaper in half and hit him with it playfully. He feigned injury then pulled her to him for another kiss.

“I’m trying to read Ms. Pope could you please try to control yourself?” he said against her lips, “You read your paper and drink your coffee.”

            They shared one last kiss then both turned to their papers. Olivia read an article about Governor Reston’s economic plan sharing the pertinent points with Fitz.

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