Chapter 23

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            Mellie fell face first down on the bed as the door to the hotel suite slammed. A sudden exhaustion enveloped her as she recalled the argument she had with Fitz. She wasn’t sure what was most upsetting, that now she was sure that Fitz knew about Robert, that she had embarrassed herself in front of his entire family, or that she had told Fitz the truth, that it hurt her to see how he looked at Olivia. Mellie had told Fitz that tonight would be about deciding what each of them wanted. She wanted Fitz to want to be President and to want her to be his First Lady.  She wanted him to look at her the way he looked at Olivia, like no one else in the room mattered. Mellie wanted Olivia to help her. She wanted to be First Lady and she knew that her only opportunity would be for Fitz to win this election and if Olivia was really the best then she was his only chance to win. Mellie reached for the phone, dialing Rob’s number and waiting. She felt a weight lift as he answered.


“Hi” said Mellie quietly.

“Hi Beautiful” Rob’s voice brightened, “I miss you.”

“Can you come see me?” Mellie blurted, “I need to see you.”

“What….what changed your mind?” asked Rob, “Are you alright?” He sounded suddenly worried.

“Fitz knows…about us” Mellie could feel herself beginning to cry, “He saw the note on the flowers.”

“I’m so sorry, Mel, I’ll be on the next flight. We’ll work this out, I promise.”

            As they finished their conversation and Mellie hung up the phone she realized that Rob was doing something that Fitz had never done for her in all their years of marriage, he was going to put her first, he was going to show up and rescue her. Mellie smiled as she changed into her pajamas, turned off the lights and crawled under the covers. She knew what she wanted.


            Fitz walked out onto the patio, joining his mother and sisters.

“Ladies” he said taking a seat in one of the teak patio chairs.

“She is incredible” Taylor motioned towards the backyard where Olivia was playing tag with Gerry and Karen.

“I don’t know if they’re ever going to let her leave” Sarah laughed.

“She is pretty incredible” Fitz smiled watching Olivia genuinely enjoy playing with his children.

“I’m going to bring out some lemonade, they’re going to be thirsty after all that running around” Elizabeth stood up and moved in the direction of the kitchen.

            Fitz continued to watch Olivia and the kids running around the yard. He savored the easy nature of the interactions among them. Olivia glanced in the direction of the house realizing Fitz was watching her she smiled at him. Fitz returned her smile and gave her a little wave.

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