Chapter 4

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            Cyrus wandered down the hall towards Olivia’s office.  It had been nearly an hour since he had left her to organize her office and they needed to get to work planning for a benefit Fitz was scheduled to attend.  As he neared her door he found it open and her office empty save for the few things she unpacked and a framed picture leaning up against the wall.

“Liv?” he called her name looking around a second time.  When he got no answer he turned to head to Fitz’s office thinking perhaps they had started without him.

            Fitz felt the strain of his erection as it pushed against the front of his pants. He had never met a woman who could bring about this response in him, certainly not when they were both fully clothed.  He felt her small delicate hands slide over the skin of his shoulders and arms as she pushed his shirt to the floor. Eager to feel more of her skin against his he lithely worked the buttons of her blouse, fighting the urge to simply rip the delicate fabric.  But he couldn’t dream of being rough with Olivia. She wasn’t that type of woman. Like the fine wine that she relished drinking, she needed a gentle hand and deserved a man who would take all the time in the world with her.  It would not merely be sex with Olivia Pope, it would be love making. Earth shattering, mind blowing, skin searing, soul splitting….love making.  Love…he tried the word out in his head appreciating that articulating it to Olivia would surely scare her away.  

“Fitz…” the sound of her voice heavy with lust speaking his name brought his contemplations back to the present and made him feel unworthy of the impeccable creature who afforded him the gift of her touch in that moment. Just as the final button of her shirt was freed of its restraint the sound of a loud knock on the door shattered their passion and sent both he and Olivia scurrying for their discarded garments.

“Just a minute” Fitz called trying to recover his composure while cursing under his breath at the impossibly tiny buttons he was rushing to fasten.

            Fitz couldn’t help but glance at Olivia as she also hurried to button her blouse. He could practically pinpoint the instant when her demeanor changed from his “Livie” back to “Olivia Pope”.  Time seemed to stand still as a million emotions hung heavy in the air.  The door knob turned and the door slowly opened just as Olivia finished tucking in her blouse and quickly sat in the chair opposite Fitz’s desk.

“Oh here you are” Cyrus came quickly through the door oblivious to what he had just nearly walked in on, “I thought we were meeting in my office.”

“Sorry, Cy” responded Fitz crossing and uncrossing his legs in an attempt to hide his still rigid appendage, “Livie came in to borrow a hammer and we started talking.”

            Fitz’s explanation seemed to satisfy Cyrus who walked over to sit in the chair adjacent to Olivia.

“I guess time just got away from us” Olivia finally recovered the ability to speak and offered Cyrus a small smile along with the explanation. 

“Well, did the two of you come up with anything useful for the benefit?” Cyrus asked the question but quickly realized the other two were barely listening. “Fitz???  Liv???”

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