Chapter 22

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“Mom” Fitz shouted as he grabbed the comforter bringing it as far as possible up over him and Olivia, “I’ll be down in a minute.”

            Elizabeth took one step into the room followed by the two Grant children, “Fitz…uh, Karen, Gerry let’s go downstairs and get breakfast ready….” 

            Olivia lay as still as possible under the comforter, wishing that she could disappear. Fitz maintained a death grip on the covers willing his children and Elizabeth to leave.

“Good morning Daddy” sang Karen taking a step towards the bed, “Can I go wake up Olivia?”

“Let’s let your Father wake up his guest,” stated Elizabeth blushing slightly as she caught her granddaughter’s shoulder, “We’ll be waiting downstairs, Fitzgerald.”  The children moved into the hallway followed by Elizabeth who turned briefly to give Fitz one last look of admonishment. As soon as the door closed Fitz felt the bed next to him trembling. Pulling back the covers he found Olivia nearly in tears with laughter.

“Ms. Pope, I don’t find that the least bit funny” he smiled, “Stop laughing.” He scooted her body up to meet his, running his fingers through her hair as she giggled away.

“I’m sorry, but I thought I was well beyond the age that I would get caught by anyone’s mother,” Olivia whispered against his bare chest, “and I never thought I’d be hiding under a blanket from someone’s children.”

“Looks like a whole constellation of new experiences for us Livie” Fitz’s smile was so charming and affectionate as he looked at her. Olivia bent down and kissed Fitz’s lips, breathing in his scent. His warm skin felt so spectacular pressed against hers, she hated that they had to get out of bed.

“I wish we could stay like this forever” Olivia said as her tendrils skimmed Fitz’s muscular shoulder. Even the touch of her hair set his senses ablaze. It wasn’t simply her overwhelming beauty, though she was surely the most beautiful creature he had ever seen, it was the reflection of himself he saw in her eyes, it was her smile when she thought no one was looking, it was the sound of her voice as she read to his son, and it was the ease with which she fit in with his family.

“Me too” he whispered brushing a curl from in front of her face, “I wish I’d met you first. I would never…”  Olivia stopped him before he could finish, “You would never have had those two beautiful children.”

            Fitz paused, when he considered how different his life would be without Mellie he never contemplated that life without his kids. Olivia was correct; Mellie had given him two sweet, adorable children. He rolled to his side, propping himself on his elbow, “You are exactly right. They are my whole world.”

“They are crazy about their Daddy” Olivia seemed to be somewhere far away.

“I guess I should say they were my whole world,” he tipped her chin so her eyes met his, “but my world has grown a little. Now it includes two sweet, gorgeous children and one sexy brilliant woman.” His statement brought a smile to her lips which he kissed briefly, “and I’m fairly sure Karen and Gerry are pretty fond of you too.”

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