Chapter 32

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“Favorite movie?” Fitz asked as he lay on his side facing Olivia.

“Hmm….I don’t know” she replied peering over at him from her pillow.

“How can you not know your favorite movie?” he laughed lightly running his fingers along her side.

“Well I feel like I should tell you that it’s something like ‘Gone with the Wind’ or ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’” she smiled tucking her hands under her cheek on the pillow, “but I guess I’ll be a complete girl and say either ‘Pretty Woman’ or ‘The American President’”

            Fitz smiled and chuckled, “It’s all starting to make sense now…”

“What is that supposed to mean?” smiled Olivia.

“Nothing, I’m just saying you’re this crazy, complicated, ridiculously gorgeous, brilliant woman,” he traced her lips with his fingers, “It makes total sense to me that your favorite movies are about a hooker and the leader of the free world.”

“Okay, if you’re so refined,” she challenged, “what is your favorite movie?”

“’Gone with the Wind’” he said with a totally straight face. Olivia eyed him carefully then burst out laughing.

“I almost believed you,” she smiled, “You’re a damn good liar.”

“I think it’s called being a good politician,” Fitz smiled and kissed her lips lightly, “but seriously, I like James Bond. You know he’s cool, he’s got all those awesome gadgets, and” he kissed her again, “he always gets the girl.”

“Kinda like you,” Olivia scooted closer to him and ran the back of her fingers down his cheek.

“I don’t have too many gadgets…” began Fitz studying her face closely.

“But you always get the girl” whispered Olivia, her hand trailing across his muscular chest and coming to rest on his hip.

“There is only one girl I want,” Fitz whispered back, “only one girl I’ve ever pursued, only one girl that has shaken me to my core. There is only one girl who can make me feel like James Bond and a rock star and the luckiest man on the planet.”

“She sounds pretty cool,” smiled Olivia shyly.

“She is gorgeous and funny and talented and brilliant and...very, very cool” Fitz trailed his hands along her jaw and neck down to the top of her sternum.

            Olivia watched his eyes as he touched her, seeing a passionate fire ignite in the azure pools.

“Okay, your turn,” she broke the silence, “Favorite TV show. When you were a kid and now.”

“Easy, ‘Batman’ then, ‘Mad Men’ now,” he answered triumphantly, “You?”

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