Chapter 39

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            Olivia squinted in the bright light coming through the blinds, surprised that Fitz wasn’t touching her. They would often laugh about their unconscious need to be in contact with one another. There was rarely a time when she woke up next to Fitz that their bodies were not somehow touching. She rolled towards him to find his side of the bed empty.

“Fitz” she called but got no answer so she pulled on a pair of panties and dug in her drawer for Fitz’s ‘Navy’ t-shirt, pulling it over her head. She pulled her fingers through her hair as she walked through the living room and into the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of orange juice then moved to the couch. She noticed Fitz had left her newspapers on the coffee table. He knew she liked to read the paper as soon as she woke up. On top of the papers was a white jewelry box with a simple blue bow. She smiled to herself and reached for the box, opening it to find a round charm with “Love” engraved on one side. Olivia ran her fingers over the engraving then turned it over to find that Fitz had it engraved “My Livie”.

            Under the box was a note:



I stepped out to pick up breakfast. Sit and enjoy the paper.


Love you,




            She smiled at the note then held it close, it smelled like him. She tucked her legs underneath her and opened the paper, humming a song as she searched for political news. She was engrossed in an article about Governor Reston’s initiatives in Maryland to increase revenue from gaming entities when Fitz came through the front door, his hands full of food.

“Good morning Livie” he kissed her temple on his way to the kitchen. She smiled but didn’t look up from the paper, “Whatcha reading?”

“An article about Reston and gaming” she replied as Fitz took a seat next to her on the couch.

“Try this” he held out a piece of crepe with jam. She opened her mouth, still not looking at him, and he fed her the crepe, “Should I be concerned that you’re staring at a picture of Samuel Reston instead of paying attention to me? Is he cuter than I am?”

            Olivia kept her eyes trained on the paper while she grabbed his wrist, holding his fingers in her mouth. She meticulously licked each digit, cleaning off every little bit of jam. The deep groan that rose from Fitz brought a surreptitious smile to her lips. She sucked on each of his fingers until she could hear him panting next to her.

“I wouldn’t be concerned” she began in answer to his question, “I mean he’s totally hot but what are the chances I’ll get to meet him. You know other than debates, interviews, some campaign stops….”

“Oh you’re gonna get it Ms. Pope,” Fitz growled as he pushed her down on the couch and climbed over her.

“What are you going to do to me Governor?” she batted her eyelashes and flashed a flirtatious grin. His lips were poised a matter of millimeters from hers.

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