Chapter 33

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“Who do you love Olivia?” Karen asked reaching up to hug her, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

            Olivia blushed a deep crimson, her mouth felt dry and her palms were sweaty, she could feel her heart beat faster and suddenly the room was extremely warm, “I…” she stammered looking into Karen’s innocent eyes.

“I heard that Olivia has a pretty great boyfriend, Kiddo,” Fitz said strolling into the kitchen, “I heard he’s really handsome and treats her like a queen. He gave her a pretty great bracelet. Right Livie?”

            Olivia decided in that moment, she was in hell. She didn’t understand why Fitz had to torture her by talking about her “boyfriend” and she made a mental note to get him back for it later. She wasn’t sure what to say to Karen. She hated to lie to her but she knew that it wasn’t the right time to tell Gerry and Karen about her relationship with Fitz. Maybe Fitz’s tack wasn’t all that bad, she could still talk about her boyfriend, she would just conveniently leave out his name.

“Yeah, he’s great,” Olivia managed to say.

“And you love him?” Karen asked, “Are you going to marry him?”

“I’m not sure about that,” Olivia kept her eyes trained on Karen.

“Karen, why don’t we go see what the other kids are up to,” said Sarah, “Breakfast won’t be long.”

            Olivia mouthed a “thank you” to Sarah as she led Karen and Gerry back to the family room then turned her gaze to Fitz giving him a warning glance.

“What?” he said innocently.

“You heard Livie has a pretty great boyfriend?” Olivia asked, “Why do you have to put me on the spot like that?” He was right in front of her now, close enough that she could feel the heat radiating from him and smell his soap and cologne.

“It’s fun to watch you squirm,” he gave her a crooked grin, “Think of it as a test for all of the guys who ask you out while you’re back home in New York. You’ll have to tell them that you have a boyfriend, right?” His fingers touched the ends of her dark curls.

“Right” she breathed trying to remember that Fitz’s family was in the room. He leaned his mouth close to her ear, his breath skimming her neck making her mind blur. It seemed like an eternity that he held his lips just millimeters from her ear breathing in and out. Then his lips brushed her ear and he spoke, “Livie, I think your pancakes are burning.”

“Crap” she quickly turned her attention back to the pan and trying to salvage the pancakes, “Fitz, go away, you’re distracting me.”

“And you’re making the rest of us ill,” laughed Taylor, “Remember that there are people on this planet who don’t know that you two are lovebirds.”

“I’ll just sit over here and watch you ladies” Fitz nibbled Olivia’s ear then placed a lingering kiss on her neck before walking to the kitchen island and taking a seat on one of the stools, “I need to get my Livie time in before she leaves me.”

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