Chapter 21

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            Olivia sat next to Lorelei on the couch across the room from Fitz and Mellie. She knew Fitz had to do his best to keep up appearances but it was still tough to watch him sit so close to another woman. She saw them whispering back and forth to one another and, unable to read their lips, wondered what they were discussing. She saw a look of alarm cross Mellie’s face as their conversation appeared to end.

“I’m going to go put Karen to bed” said Fitz standing and walking towards the playroom to collect his daughter.

            Olivia kept her eyes on Mellie, trying to read her emotions. She wrung her hands, clearly pondering whatever Fitz had last said to her oblivious to the lively conversations going on around her.

“Olivia, what made you leave your law practice to join the campaign?” Elizabeth asked.

“Cyrus and I have known each other since I was in law school” explained Olivia, “When he called and asked me to help out I couldn’t refuse.” Olivia beamed at Cyrus who sat hand in hand with James on the loveseat, “And, of course, as soon as I learned more about Fitz it was clear that he would make an incredible President.”

“We Grant girls are inclined to agree” laughed Taylor looking around at her Mother and sisters, “but I guess we’re a little biased.”

“I know Fitz was so happy to have you join the campaign” added Elizabeth, “he called me the first day he met you to tell me that he was sure he was going to win because of the new secret weapon on the campaign.”

            Olivia felt herself flush; “I don’t know about all that…” she managed.

“Oh, come on Olivia, give yourself some credit” snorted Mellie taking another long drink of the scotch in her hand, “You know you are just the thing Fitz needed.”

“Mellie” Elizabeth chided.

“She is Elizabeth, bringing Liv onto the campaign was the smartest thing Cyrus could have done” Mellie’s words were slightly slurred, “She’s talented, bright, and isn’t she just the most stunning woman you’ve ever seen?”



            Fitz pulled the covers up over Karen then brushed a stray hair from her face and kissed her cheek.

“Good night Sweetheart” Fitz whispered, “I love you.”

“Daddy?” Karen said quietly, “Can Olivia play with us tomorrow?”

“Kar, Liv is here to work, she’s helping me get elected,” responded Fitz.

“But she read Gerry a story for bed and I didn’t even get to play with her, Daddy,” whined Karen, “I want to show her my Barbie dolls and we can go swimming and color and jump on the trampoline…”

“Honey, that’s a lot to do,” laughed Fitz, “How about we ask Olivia if she wants to spend some time with us here at Grandma’s tomorrow?”

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