Chapter 7

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            Fitz pulled up the plush comforter, wrapping it tighter around them as he moved in closer behind Olivia. She stirred briefly pulling his arm further over her and he placed two light kisses on the back of her shoulder. He adored watching this beautiful woman sleep, feeling the ease of her breathing and wondering where her dreams had taken her. Though he still had several hours to lie next to her, he knew it would never be enough. If they lived until eternity and could lie like this forever it would still not be enough, he would never get enough of Olivia Pope. 

            He lifted his head to survey the room, wondering if he could coax his arm from under Olivia in order to get himself a drink. He managed to slip out from beneath her and slowly stood up, pulling on his pajama pants. Fitz glanced in Olivia’s direction, hoping the image would sate him until he returned from the other room. He went to the sink filling a glass with water then stepped out onto the balcony to look over the sleeping city. The air was cold but he barely noticed; still warm from the hours he had spent wrapped up in Olivia. He thought back to the last words he heard her utter before she drifted off to sleep, believing he must have imagined that this remarkable woman was falling in love with him.


            He was stirred from his thoughts by the feeling of Olivia’s arms wrapping around him from behind. “Whatcha doin out here?” she asked lightly kissing his shoulder.

            He turned, pulling her into his arms, noticing how breathtaking she looked wearing just his shirt. “I like you in my shirt” he breathed against her hair, “I like you in my bed.”

            She smiled up at him and they shared a brief kiss. “So what are you doing out here in the cold?” she repeated her prior question.

“It’s just this city…” he began as they looked out above the world, “it’s like magic. This is the place I first saw you, first touched you, first kissed you, first…” his voice trailed off as if he were reliving the sweet memory.

“It is an amazing place” Olivia confirmed snuggling closer to him, “It is magic.”

            Sensing that she was still cold he took her hand and led her inside. Being with Olivia in the middle of the night, locked in this room alone with her it felt like the rest of the world didn’t matter, that they could make this impractical situation work. He felt like they could be happy. Deep down he knew that daylight would arrive, the world would intrude into their isolation, and they would have to find their way. He hoped they could find happiness.

            Olivia knew Fitz was elsewhere and trailed her fingers up the inside of his arm pulling him back to her. As he kissed her intensely and they moved back to the bed he realized that they still had several hours of solitude. In those hours they could be Livie and Fitz and the rest of it didn’t matter. They slid beneath the sheets and she laid her head upon his chest, her dark tendrils skimming over his abdomen luring a pleased sigh from his delightful lips. She draped her silky leg over his, laying claim to the man who was hers….at least at this time, in this place.

            As the first hint of daybreak revealed itself Olivia lifted her head from its resting place on Fitz’s chest to look at the time. The bedside clock read 6:43. It was officially daytime and the city was coming alive, unaware of what had transpired over the past twelve hours. She glanced at Fitz’s sleeping form noticing the errant curl that lay on his forehead. She couldn’t help but touch it, causing him to shift. She found her fingers roaming over his chin feeling the stubble that now occupied his jaw. This ordinary instant watching him sleep felt incredible as she realized how infrequently these moments were apt to occur. Just as she began to shift away from him, Fitz again stirred, this time pulling her against him.

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