Chapter 26

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“Okay, we’re all here” said Fitz looking around the table, “Let’s get started.”

“Sir, I’m not entirely sure what this meeting is all about” stated Cyrus.

“Yes, Fitzgerald, why are we here?” Mellie looked annoyed though he couldn’t help but notice there was a certain glow about her

“Olivia,” Fitz motioned for her to explain.

“We” she nodded in Fitz’s direction, “feel that the best chance for Fitz to get elected is for everyone that is integral to the campaign to be completely honest about what they want.”

“Cyrus wants to be your Chief of Staff, I want to be First Lady, and you want to get into Olivia’s pants” Mellie spat in a haughty tone, “Okay, meeting adjourned.”

“Sit down, Mellie,” boomed Fitz.

            Mellie complied, retaking her seat and folding her hands neatly in her lap. She knew when she had pushed Fitz too far.

“As Olivia was saying, everyone here needs to lay their cards on the table” asserted Fitz, “We need to be one hundred percent honest.”

“Sir, I’m still a little confused” Cyrus maintained, “This seems like a conversation between you and Mellie.”

“Cy, you are my campaign manager and you’re dating a reporter,” Fitz figured it was better to start with the easy issue, “Let’s start there, how much you tell James about the campaign?”

“We don’t talk about it, that’s not why we’re together,” Cyrus sounded defensive,” He’s not after a story, Fitz.”

“Okay, fine” Fitz sounded satisfied with Cyrus’ explanation, “From this point forward, no discussions of the campaign or our plans outside of this group.”

“I really don’t understand why you’re being so cloak and dagger, Fitzgerald,” Mellie was testing him again, “All of this plotting and planning, clandestine meetings…”

            Fitz couldn’t help but laugh, “Really Mellie?  Do you really think you should be talking about clandestine meetings?”

            A smirk briefly crossed Olivia’s lips. There was something slightly entertaining about Fitz calling Mellie out on her indiscretions. But then Olivia remembered that the truth about her relationship with Fitz, or at least a version of it, was about to come to light.

“What do you want from me Fitzgerald?” asked Mellie rolling her eyes in exasperation.

“I want a divorce Mellie,” the words hit her like a bulldozer. Mellie felt dizzy and nauseous, “I met someone else. She makes me happy” Fitz continued.

“You can’t just walk away from this marriage, from our children,” Mellie’s voice was vacant, “Not when we’re so close to what we’ve always dreamed.”

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