Chapter 41

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“Are you ready to do this?” Olivia asked Fitz as they stood outside the conference room.

“You’re the mastermind; I’m just here to marvel at your brilliance” he kissed her lips quickly, “You’re running the show Ms. Pope, after you.”

            Fitz held the door for her as she put on her Olivia Pope armor and strode confidently into the room. He watched her walk unable to keep the smile from his face. He thought about how beautiful she was when she commanded a room. She didn’t flaunt her beauty, it was classic, understated, and she used it to her advantage. Nearly everyone she met underestimated her. Even now, after spending so much time with her he still found himself in awe of her abilities.

“Welcome everyone, it looks like we’re all here so let’s start our campaign planning” said Olivia standing at the head of the table.

“Um, Ms. Pope, I’m really not sure why I’m here,” Robert interjected from the other end of the table.

“Patience, Senator. By the end of the meeting everyone will be on the same page,” she smiled a smile Fitz recognized, a smile he hoped was never trained on him.

“Olivia, are you the campaign manager now?” sneered Mellie, “Truly sleeping your way to the top?”

“Okay, let’s start with you Mellie,” Olivia picked up the folder in front of her and began leafing through papers, “To get everyone caught up, the Governor filed for divorce and Mrs. Grant refuses to sign the papers.”

“Because I am going to be First Lady” Mellie spat.

“Mellie” hissed Fitz then abruptly stopped when he looked in Olivia’s direction and saw her cautioning glance, “Go ahead Livie.”

“This is how it’s going to go,” she pulled several pages from the folder, “Mellie you’ll sign the papers today.”

“I will not,” yelled Mellie beginning to stand up from her seat.

“Sit down, Mellie” commanded Fitz. His booming, baritone brought a smile to Olivia’s face and warmth spread through her. He gave her a crooked smile.

“As I was saying, I have the results of Mellie’s paternity test” she passed papers down the table, “you can see that the baby Mellie is carrying is not the Governor’s.”

“Babe, I’m so excited about Baby Owens,” Robert whispered, taking Mellie’s hand in his and kissing it lightly.

“Don’t get too excited, Senator because the baby isn’t yours either” Olivia’s words hit everyone in the room like a bolt of lightning.  Fitz felt a swell of pride as Olivia delivered the news.

“You must be mistaken” Robert whispered as he felt tears threaten to fall. He looked at Mellie who sat beside him staring at her hands, “It’s not true right Mel?”

“It’s not yours” Mellie muttered still staring at her hands.

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