Chapter 12

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            Fitz slipped his suit jacket on and picked up his carryon sighing and turning his stiff neck side to side. He had slept most of the flight, fatigue from lack of sleep the previous several nights undoubtedly catching up with him. He made his way to baggage claim, then to his waiting car. He eased into the seat, reaching into his pocket and removing his Livie phone.

            Olivia heard the ring of a phone, at first unsure of where it was coming from then realizing it was in her purse. She smiled as she answered, “Hi Governor”

“Hi Livie” he felt immediately at ease upon hearing her voice, “I’m just leaving the airport on my way home.”

“How was your flight?” Olivia made an attempt at idle conversation

“I slept the whole way,” answered Fitz, “probably because someone has been keeping me up at night.”

“Oh I’ve been keeping you up….I see” she laughed. Their exchange seemed to flow effortlessly like a comfortable blanket wrapping itself around them, safe from the outside world again. They chatted for several more minutes, laughing at each other’s jokes and both smiling brightly.

“Hey Livie, we’re pulling into my driveway, I have to go” lamented Fitz as he saw the house come into view, “I’ll miss you, lovely lady.”

“I’ll miss you too.  I’m sure Gerry & Karen will be so happy you’re home. Enjoy your evening.”

“Bye Livie.”

“Bye Fitz.”

            Fitz pressed ‘End’, smiled down at the phone, and tucked it safely into his briefcase. He was home and needed to focus on what had to be done there. His children required him to be present and be their father. Mellie was an absentee mother at best and he needed to do everything he could to make up for that. Shaking his head and putting on his best smile he climbed out of the car and made his way into the house.

“Daddy!” screamed Karen and Gerry in unison, running to greet Fitz as he came through the front door.

“Hey guys!” Fitz dropped his bags to the floor and leaned down to embrace the kids, “I’ve missed you.”

“Hello, Honey,” Mellie’s sugary voice came from the landing of the steps, “So glad you’re home”

            Fitz felt himself tense as he rose to embrace Mellie. He couldn’t help but compare her rigid hug to the smooth, affectionate cuddles he had shared with Olivia. But this was his lot, his responsibility; it was what he needed to do to get elected. Though he thought he could be content with a simple life as a lawyer, out of the public eye, he knew that quitting the campaign would mean likely never seeing Olivia again.

“Good to see you Sweetie” Fitz did his best to sound sincere as he addressed Mellie, “Are you home for the week?”

            He had hoped that he might be able to avoid Mellie for at least part of his two weeks at home. He had missed spending time with the kids and family time seemed to be much more enjoyable when they weren’t quite a whole family.

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