Chapter 20

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“Fitz…” Mellie was nearly speechless, “What are you doing here….in Liv’s bathroom?”

            Olivia felt the urge to hide or run or dissolve into the carpet. She looked from Fitz to Mellie and back again, wondering what he would say. Wondering if he would ask Mellie what she was hiding from him. Wondering if this wasn’t all a huge nightmare and she would soon awaken.

“I could ask you the same thing, Honey” the bite in Fitz’s voice was unmistakable, he was on the offensive.

            Neither spoke initially as they stared at one another bitterly.

“Mellie, Governor Grant and I were discussing his speech for this afternoon” offered Olivia hoping to at least partially diffuse the situation.

“Well Honey, you could have run your speech by me” said Mellie in a saccharine wary tone, “You know I love to hear what you have to say.”

“Mellie….” Fitz pinched the bridge of his nose feeling a headache coming on, “You have never cared what I talked about as long as you got to keep getting closer to your political ambitions. Now what was it you were going to tell me?”

            Mellie looked from Olivia to Fitz considering their current situation.

“I’d rather discuss this in private, Fitzgerald”

“It’s obvious Olivia already knows whatever you’re going to tell me so let’s hear it” replied Fitz turning his gaze to Olivia. Now she felt put on the spot. Fitz knew that she was privy to whatever Mellie was reluctant to tell him. If Mellie wouldn’t tell him would he expect Olivia to tell him?  Should she be a friend to Mellie and keep her secret or should she be loyal to Fitz and disclose the truth?

“Someone had flowers delivered to me this morning” Mellie stated flatly.


“A supporter of yours” Mellie tried to sound coy, “I’m sure it’s so I would persuade you to give him your support as well.”

“That doesn’t explain why you brought them to Livie” Fitz looked baffled.

“I didn’t know how you would take it” Mellie’s reply came too quickly, “Another man sending me flowers.”

“They’re nice,” stated Fitz walking over to the vase full of flowers, “It’s great that someone sent you flowers, Mel.”

            Olivia was flabbergasted. How had both Fitz and Mellie escaped their confrontation without telling the truth? She tried to speak but words wouldn’t come. Olivia watched as Mellie gave Fitz a quick hug then a kiss on the cheek and walked out of the room. She turned to Fitz, searching for answers.

“What was that?” Olivia managed.

“I just don’t care enough, Livie” replied Fitz, “I’m not going to beg her to tell me the truth. She lies, I lie, it just kinda works for us.”

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