Chapter 9

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            The afternoon passed quickly, Cyrus kept the team on track making phone calls and setting up appointments while Olivia reached out to her local political connections. By the end of the day her voice was hoarse from persuading people with far more money than they knew what to do with to part with some of it. Fitz spent his afternoon working on his campaign schedule, making sure he would be in Philadelphia for Gerry’s Christmas play and Karen’s ballet recital. His personal staff knew that birthdays and holidays were off limits for Fitz, they were spent with his children. As he scheduled his agenda for the late winter Fitz found himself considering where he would be in mid-February. He made one final phone call then left to meet Sarah.

            As Olivia put on her coat and grabbed her purse there was a soft knock on her door. It was one of the staffers with a delivery that had just arrived.  She wasn’t expecting anything but relaxed into one of the office chairs to open it. In the nondescript, manila envelope was a greeting card.  She carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the card. Opening it she found a keycard and a short note:


The spaces between your fingers were meant to be filled with mine.

See you at 6.



            Peeking at her watch she saw she had enough time to stop by her apartment before heading to Fitz’s hotel. She walked past his office on her way out knowing he was gone for the day but holding a glimmer of hope she would catch a glimpse of him. The door was open so she stepped inside. Though the office was identical in size to hers there was something regal, presidential about it. It smelled manly, of cologne, scotch, and leather. She walked to his desk, taking a closer look at his photos. There were pictures of Karen and Gerry at various ages most with Fitz in them as well. Conspicuously missing from all but one of the photos was Mellie. The lone picture of their entire family featured Karen and Jerry seated between Fitz and Mellie. Olivia felt guilty for invading his space and even worse for allowing herself to be happy that he was unhappily married. What about his kids? She thought feeling sad for the two little people who clearly adored their father. What would they think of him if they found out about me? She hurried out of the office wanting to put distance between her and tangible evidence of Fitz’s real life.

            Mark dropped her off at her apartment, waiting outside for her to return. She packed a small overnight bag. Was it presumptuous? Perhaps, but she was sure he couldn’t keep making clothing appear on a whim should she spend the night. Truthfully he probably could, though she had no idea how, but she didn’t want the expectation to exist.  She almost skipped out to the car smiling widely at Mark he closed the car door behind her. As they drove they chatted about their day, Mark wondering how working on the campaign was going and Olivia checking in with him about his wife and children. As they neared Fitz’s hotel Mark looked in the rearview mirror where he found a totally different Olivia than he saw there the day before. He knew what the difference was. The car stopped and Olivia felt a now familiar flutter in her stomach as Mark opened the door. As she walked past him she thanked him and told him she would call when she needed him to pick her up. “Ms. Pope” he said, getting her attention, “Have a great night. Be careful. We’ve known each other a long time and you know I care about you like a sister. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” She smiled embracing him briefly then turned on her heel and rushed into the hotel.

            The elevator ride seemed to take forever and the hall leading to his room seemed much longer than it had that morning. She slid the keycard into the lock and opened the door.

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