Chapter 27

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            Olivia smoothed Fitz’s starched shirt collar then smiled up at him, patting his broad chest.

“Perfect” she said taking a step back and admiring him in his Tom Ford suit. He blushed slightly under her scrutiny.

“I had a good stylist,” he bent to kiss her lips but she pulled back slightly, “What is it Livie?”

“My makeup” she smiled offering her cheek for a kiss. He gladly obliged.

“Oh no, we can’t damage the makeup” he grinned, “But I get a rain check for that kiss. It was going to be a good one.”

            Olivia felt a now familiar smile meet her lips. She felt like she spent ninety percent of her time grinning like a fool at Fitz. She turned her back to him and asked, “Would you mind zipping me up?”

“It would be my pleasure, Ms. Pope” he confidently strode up behind her lithely closing the zipper on her strapless Infantino gown. He leaned his mouth painfully close to her neck, “you smell delicious. Do I need to worry about makeup here?” he kissed her shoulder.

“No” she breathed as her eyes slid closed.

“How about here?” he traced his tongue along her collarbone.

“No” her voice was quieter.

“And what about here?” he worked his way to the top of the dress sliding his hands over the lace covering her breasts.

“Fitz…we can’t mess up our clothes…”

“Livie, I don’t give a damn about my clothes or yours” he breathed against her warm cocoa skin, “just twenty minutes, that’s all I want. We’ll be fashionably late.” The caress of his breath on her skin caused goose bumps to form and butterflies to rise deep within her.

“Fitz…we can’t…you need to meet Mellie” she spoke the words but made no move to physically stop his assault on her body. The friction of the lace from her dress between his hands and her breasts was tormenting. “Fitz, Mellie is waiting.”  The second mention of his wife’s name dampened Fitz’s enthusiasm and he let his hands fall to her waist.

“You know the mention of Mellie makes it really difficult for me to concentrate on you,” he took several deep breaths in an attempt to chase away the visions of Olivia’s naked body that were currently drifting through his mind.

“Later, we have all night, remember?” she chided smoothing his suit again.

“All night with My Livie…” he sounded like a little kid at Disneyland.

“Should we head down to meet everyone else?” Olivia asked, sliding into her media relations director persona.

“One last thing,” he walked over to his briefcase and took out a small box then returned to her side. He handed her the gift and patiently waited while she opened it. She carefully removed the bow and lifted the lid off the pale blue box.

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