Chapter 10

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            The night of the fundraiser had finally arrived. Olivia sat on her couch sipping a glass of wine waiting for Cyrus to arrive to pick her up.  Her phone rang, “Olivia Pope” she said picking it up off the coffee table.

“Hey Liv, I’m downstairs” came Cyrus’ voice.

“You’re not coming to the door, Cy?”

“Liv, this isn’t a date” chuckled Cyrus, “I don’t think James would approve of me picking you up at the door.”

“What a gentleman” Liv returned his laugh, “I’ll be down in a minute.”

            Olivia picked up her wrap and evening bag, replaced an errant curl on the side of her head, smiled at her reflection in the mirror and breezed out the door. She was looking forward to a great night with the campaign staff and, of course, she couldn’t wait to see Fitz in his tuxedo. As she neared the limo the chauffer opened the door. Olivia ducked inside, taking her seat and smoothing her red Zuhair Murad dress.  She felt nervous though she wasn’t quite sure why the emotion hit her so strongly at that moment.

“Hello, Olivia” her eyes sprang to Fitz’s in surprise, “You look stunning.”

            She felt herself blush, acutely aware that Cyrus was sitting just across from her, “Thank you Governor” she managed, “You gentlemen look very handsome this evening.” Olivia felt Fitz’s eyes travel up and down her silk tulle gown. She didn’t think Fitzgerald Grant could get any better-looking but Fitz in a tux was nothing short of striking.  The trio chatted as they made one final stop to pick up James. Though Cyrus swore to most people that he and James were simply friends, Olivia and Fitz knew they were dating.  As they pulled up to James’ building Fitz crossed to sit in the seat next to Olivia under the guise of letting James sit next to Cyrus. As the driver opened the door for Cyrus to exit, Olivia playfully called behind him, “Oh, you’re going to pick him up at the door. I see where I stand.”  Cyrus turned to Olivia with a sly smile as the driver closed the door. Suddenly the atmosphere changed.  Fitz turned to Olivia, unable to control the urge to kiss her lips, “Livie….you look amazing. That dress….you’re gorgeous” She found herself blushing again, “Thank you, Governor, you look pretty amazing yourself.”

            He pulled her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles lightly, each contact sending a shock of passion scorching up her arm. Fitz began tracing a molten path of kisses from Olivia’s hand up to her elbow where he outlined the crease with his fiery tongue. A small squeal escaped Olivia’s lips at the sensation of his caresses. That only encouraged Fitz to continue his assault on her slender arm as he kissed up the inside to her upper arm, then her shoulder, stopping to pay particular attention to the pulse point on her neck. His tongue in that spot sent desire deep to her core. Knowing they were short on time, Fitz moved quickly to capture her plump lips tasting them hungrily as his tongue plunged into her mouth. She returned the fevered pace, their hands roaming each other’s bodies. “Liv, Cyrus will be back in a minute,” Fitz muttered into Olivia’s mouth. Olivia groaned as their lips lost contact, “Rain check?” she asked wiping her lipstick off Fitz’s mouth. “How’s this for an answer?” he took her hand rubbing it up and down by the zipper of his pants. She could feel his rock hard erection straining against the fabric, instantly causing wetness to pool between her thighs. They shared one more fervent kiss before straightening themselves. Fitz laid his hand on her knee not wanting to release his touch upon her. She placed her hand on top of his, lacing their fingers together then leaning close to his ear to whisper, “The spaces between your fingers were meant to be filled with mine.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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