Chapter 36

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“You know she is going to use the baby to try and hold on to you,” whispered Olivia staring at the ceiling. Fitz lay next to her running his fingers lightly over her naked form.

“I know,” he replied, “The only way to prove it’s not mine is to drag her through the mud. To ruin Rob’s career and to ruin her.”

“She doesn’t think you’ll do it” Olivia turned to face him.

“The press is going to think I knew about the baby when I announced the divorce” he added.

“And a pregnant woman gets sympathy,” Olivia pointed out, “What if she uses her fifteen minutes of fame to expose our affair?”

            Olivia was worried. She worried about Fitz’s chances at getting elected, she worried about Karen and Gerry finding out about their relationship, she worried about what her parents would say. She had told her parents she was dating someone and now it would look like she was hiding Fitz from them as well.

“First of all, Livie, this isn’t an affair,” he traced circles on her shoulder, “Second, I don’t care. I need to be rid of her. I’ll do what I have to do but I’m not backing down from the divorce, even if it means losing the election.”

“Don’t say that” she looked at him earnestly, “You should be president.”

“There is nothing in this world worth doing if I can’t have you” he kissed her lips gently and moved his hand to her bare abdomen, “Can I tell you a secret Livie?”

“Anything” she smiled.

“I wish we could start our family right now” he looked deep into her eyes, holding her gaze, “You are going to be so gorgeous with my babies growing inside you.”

“This won’t happen until after we’re married,” she insisted, “My parents would kill me...and my Dad would kill you. You haven’t even met my parents yet and I don’t want the first time to be when we’re telling them that I’m pregnant.”

            Their conversation was interrupted by Fitz’s phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and answered, “Hi Cy, what’s up?”

“Sir, where the hell are you?” boomed Cyrus, “I have been trying to get in touch with you for hours.”

“I’m in a very important meeting,” Fitz winked at Olivia who was looking at him intently.

“I think the baby is a great opportunity for you and Mellie to win some votes,” Cyrus began, “Go on joint speaking engagements. Talk about how overjoyed you are to be adding to your family. Have Gerry and Karen talk about how excited they are about their new sibling.”

“No” Fitz’s voice was absolute, “It’s not my baby and we’re not using it to get me elected. Mellie and I are getting divorced and she is leaving.”

“Fitz, I know you think that you’re in love with Olivia” said Cyrus, “She’s a great girl. She’s smart, funny, and brilliant”

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