Chapter 25

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“Sir?” said Cyrus rubbing his eyes and squinting in the bright light streaming in from the hallway.

“Sorry to bother you Cy” said Fitz shifting from one foot to the other.

“Sir, why are you walking around the hotel in your pajamas?”

“Can’t sleep in my room”

“Sir, I know it’s really not my place to say but you and Mellie have to find a way to come to a truce,” said Cyrus, exasperated, “There is no way that you’ll get elected if you can’t at least make it look like you love your wife.”

“Can we do the lectures later?” Fitz rubbed his temples, “I just need a place to sleep.”

“Sir…” Cyrus looked uncomfortable, “Sir, I kind of have….a guest”

“Oh…Shit, Cy, sorry” Fitz backed out of the doorway, “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

            Fitz walked to the elevator and pushed the button. He bowed his head suddenly feeling bone tired. The elevator opened and he nearly fell inside, and then pressed the button for the fourth floor. He leaned his forehead against the cold steel wall and closed his eyes. He concentrated on taking deep breaths as he considered the situation he’d just encountered. Suddenly he was laughing uncontrollably. He stepped out of the elevator, still hysterical with laughter then walked to Olivia’s door and knocked.

“Fitz” whispered Olivia standing in the doorway in gray silk pajamas, “What are you doing here? You can’t be here.”

“I’ve got no place else to go Livie,” laughed Fitz, “Cyrus and James are doing whatever Cyrus and James do when they’re alone together. Robert Owens is in the unfortunate position of being naked with my wife. And I’m here…or I could go get another room if you’d rather. I’m sure that wouldn’t rouse suspicions, the presidential candidate trying to get a new room in his jammies.”

“Just come in” hissed Olivia opening the door further. Fitz walked past her and plopped himself down on the bed.

“How the hell did this happen, Livie?” he asked as he lay on his back on the mattress. Olivia tried to ignore the hint of skin exposed just above his waistband as he lifted his hands to rub his face.

“Us?” she asked tentatively. She walked to the bed and sat down.

“No, not us,” Fitz looked in her direction, “For once, not us.”

“Then what?” Olivia was having trouble keeping up with Fitz’s thoughts.

“The campaign, how did I go from being a probable leading Presidential candidate to this?” he gestured around them.

“So this is about us,” muttered Olivia.

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