A Day with mom(mothers day)

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Max lied on the bed, his arms behind his head. It was nighttime but the king couldn't sleep. Tomorrow was mother's day but Max had no idea what to do. To him, he had two moms. Two moms that loved him and he loved back.

First was his adopted otter mom. After his kingdom fell and he lost everything while still an infant, she took him in. She gave him love, warmth and made him acorn pie. She always supported him, even if she wasn't his mom through the same blood. She let him feel what it's like to be loved by a mother.

And then there was his actual mother, Shifa. She saved him from Shadow Master by sending him away, sacrificing the chance to see him grow up. All those years of being imprison, she never gave up nor lost hope that her son would save their kingdom. And when Max became king, she supported and guided him and she told him stories about his father.

He let out a heavy sigh, looking up at the roof. He loved both his adopted mom and his real mom. He couldn't pick a favorite. But how was he gonna spend time with both of them? Especially when one of them is so far in the jungle.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in his head. One that might work for both moms. But it had be done now. Tonight! And he might need some help. Max jumped out of the bed and quickly grabbed his communicator, punching in some buttons and contacting Leena.

"Come on come on come on" he whispered, hoping she answered. "Uuugh what?" Leena's tired voice came up as Max smiled, happy to hear her voice. "Leena! Good you're awake!" He said relieved.

"Yeah. Next time I putting the communicator in silent. Why are you calling when it's this late?" She asked tiredly. "I need you to do a pickup for me tomorrow at the jungle" he told her as he explained to her...

Next morning, at the jungle...

Otter mom opened the door with a basket on her arm, ready to go and pick up some berries. Her ears perked at some rumbling sound from above and she looked up. The Phoenix came and landed near the otters' home.

The hatch opened and Leena came out. She spotted the otter and smiled at her "Hi Mrs Otter. How are we today?" She asked kindly as she approached her. The otter mom seemed surprised to see the lioness but she smiled at her kindly.

"Hello Leena. What brings you to the jungle?" She asked her puzzled. "Max told me to pick you up and bring you to the kingdom. He has a surprise for you" she explained. "Come on we don't wanna be late" she said as she headed back to the ship. Otter mom stared at her puzzled, wondering what her adopted son had planned but she followed on with it.

The Phoenix flew back to the Lion Kingdom and landed at the landing area. Leena and Mrs Otter walked out of the Phoenix as the lioness turned to the otter. "Come on. I'll take you to the  royal garden. Max is waiting there" she told her as she led the way.

The two made it to the garden where,to the otter's surprise, Shifa was there. There was this small white table with three chairs and all these delicious desserts on it with some tea as well. Shifa was standing nearby and it appeared she just arrived.

"Queen Shifa" Leena said and bowed to her and Mrs. Otter did too. "Well I'll leave you two be" Leena said as she turned around and left the two.

"So Mrs. Otter. What brings you here?" Shifa asked curiously. "I was told that my son or well your son Max wanted to see me" she explained.

"Strange. Pofessor Higgabottom old me the same thing this morning. What can Max be up too?" Shifa said puzzled as the two moms wondered.

"It's a surprise for the two best moms ever!" Max called out as he appeared and the two moms turned to their son.

"Happy mother's day!" He said excited as they smiled at him. "Oh Max. Did you set this up dear?" Shifa asked warmly as she placed her hand on her son's cheek. "Thank you my boy. This is so sweet of you. I was wondering why you brought me to the kingdom" otter mom said, patting her son's hand.

"I wanted to spend mother's day with the both of you. So I set up this nice surprise breakfast meal together so we can be together" he explained as Shifa and otter mom smiled lovingly at their son.

"Thank you dear. This was really thoughtful of you" Shifa said warmly as Max smiled at his two moms. The best moms ever. "Well come on. Today is all about the best moms I could ask for" Max said fondly as his adopted mom and real mom smiled at him and they all sat down to enjoy a nice mother's day breakfast.

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