NightTime Ideas

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Max looked at the papers in his hands and the ones spread all over the table, he dropped the papers on the table and leaned back on his chair with a heavy sigh and his hands on his face. Max had been getting so many complaints about the royal guard failing in their duties. His subjects were demanding the guards would be fired and replaced.

But Max didn't want to do that. The guards weren't failing. And not on purpose either. The bad guys they face were powerful and clever. Max knew the guards did the best they could. He didn't want to get rid of them. But still whenever a bad guy showed, it was always Max and his friends to the rescue.

Max leaned off his chair, his elbows resting on the desk and his hands covering his face, he let out a sigh. Max was so tired and just wanted to go to sleep but at the same time he wanted to get this guard problem out of the way. Max was so deep in thought, he didn't realize someone was awake and behind him.

It was Leena. She wore a cozy white shirt and red pants, her left shoulder was showing with a black strap on and her hair was out. She wrapped her arms around Max and slowly rested her head on his back, purring. Max didn't have to turn his head around to see who it was, he knew it was Leena...because she purrs whenever she rests her head on him.

Max chuckled quietly as he placed his hand on her hand that was dangling. He placed a soft kiss on her hand before turning his head to look at her. "Isn't it a bit late for hugs?" He asked playfully as Leena purred, her eyes closed. "Isn't it a bit late for kingly duties?" She asked sleepily and Max shook his head at her smiling.

"Sorry Leena. I promise, once I get this done I'll go to be" he said trying to reassure her as he patted her hand but the lioness wasn't convinced that easily and didn't budge. Her eyes open tired and she looked at Max "Max you've been all over this issue for days. You've been stressing over it" she told worried "I know. On one hand, everyone wants me to replace the guards. On the other hand, I don't want to"

He said stressed out "And that's the good thing about you Max. You see good in everyone. You know the guards are trying their best" she told him calmly and hearing her voice made Max feel relax. Then, an idea came up in Leena's head.

"Hey Max" "yeah?" "I think I might have something to solve your problem" she whispered to him and Max looked at her, waiting for her answer. But Leena suddenly had a sneaky grin on her face as she lifted her head off his back "But you have to go sleep first and then I'll tell you" she told him, looking in his eyes.

Max thought about and well he did want some sleep. "Honestly I'm so tired I don't think I can make it upstairs to my room" he said, running his hand on some papers. "Then sleep on the couch, it's not far from you" Leena suggested as she unwrapped her arms around him. Max had no idea what Leena was up too but if sleeping met he could get the answer for his problem, then he might well sleep.

Max got up from his chair and he stretched his arms and back from sitting too long. He let out a sigh of relief, happy to get off the chair. Max walked tiredly to the couch and Leena had to hold in her laughter from watching Max walk, he looked like a zombie. Max slumped on the couch tired, flat on his back. Leena walked around the couch and leaned on it, looking at him.

"Ok I'm in the couch. Now can you tell me?" He asked as he looked at ger wait. "Wait" she said as she grabbed the blanket that was on the couch and threw it on him. "Ok now I can tell you" she said leaning on her elbows. Max grabbed the blanket and pulled it off his face and he glared at Leena annoyed.

"Look the guards are best you have. They have good hearts and they're try their hardest" Leena explained "Yeah but everytime there's a bad guy, they fail" Max said doubtfully as he snuggled into the blanket. "That's because these bad guys are always different. So the guards need to make some changes without replacing them" Leena suggested and Max's ears perked up, he could feel an idea coming up.

"We could change the guards training lessons, teach them new skills and oh! Give new armor! They really need an armor change" Leena said and Max stood up, listening. He smiled, knowing that could be the answer they need.

"Leena! You're a genuis!" He said happy and relieved to have finally found a solution as he slumped on the couch. Leena smiled at him, she knew her idea would be the answer. "See and all I had to do was get you to sleep" she said jokingly and Max laughed. Leena climbed on the couch and Max scooched to make some space. She curled up in the blanket and rested her head on his shoulder, purring and falling asleep with Max.

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