An Embarrassing Morning

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Takes place after Mishevious cuddles in the night. Requests closed right now

Morning came, shining into the bedroom where the two lions were asleep. Max was breathing softly with Leena wrapped in his arms and her back pressed to his chest. The light from the sun shone on his face amd he flinched from it, trying to get away from it so he could sleep more.

His eyes blinked open tiredly until they spotted a glimpse of brown hair. At first he was confused but then memories of last night came and he smiled softly. He lifted his head up to look the sleeping lioness next to him. Leena was asleep peacefully with her brown hair spread out on the pillow, her breathing calm and she looked simple yet beautiful without her vest on in his eyes.

Slowly, he brought his hand to her cheek, gently caressing it. He could feel the soft fur on her face beneath his fingers and her soft breathing he could hear it. Max leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her cheek, gently purring.

The vibration of his purrs on her cheek made her stir in her sleep as Max leaned back. Her eyes opened sleepily while scanning the room. She frowned when she realized that this wasn't her room. Leena turned her head around and caught Max in her vision as he watched her amusingly, leaning his head on his hand.

Leena smiled warmly at him as she completely turned her body around to face him while stretching her arms and yawning. "Good morning Leena" he whispered to her, gently booping her nose. The cute action made her blink surprised and he chuckled at her, finding his sleeping lioness adorable.

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. But she flashed a mishevious smirk as she moved closer to him, placing her lips on his. Max wrapped an arm around her waist as she moved on top of him, cupping his face as she deepened the kiss. Her hands moved down to wrap around his neck, feeling his soft mane beneath her fingers.

They broke apart the kiss to catch their breath. Leena rested her chin on her hands while her body was on top of his chest, smiling at him. "Good morning Max. I see you had a good sleep" she told him teasingly, her fingers fidgeted with his shirt collar playfully.

"Yeah I did. And it looks like so did you, my lovely lioness" he told her, teasing back as his hands slowly roamed her back, feeling the soft fabric of her white shirt. It sent shivers through her body and she flinched so she tried to act like she was just adjusting her position.

"I did. Just wish you weren't so careless about what might happen if we got caught" she told him, slightly annoyed as she drummed her fingers on his chest. Well people knew of their relationship but if someone saw them like this, the rumors would be annoyingly endless.

"I don't care if someone catches us. You and I aren't doing anything wrong. We're just spending time together. Cuddling. Loving. Sleeping" he explained to her, still not understanding the problem here. Leena reckon it's because he grew up in a jungle, plus didn't have too much experience with girls.

"Sigh. You're lucky I can't stay mad at you" she told him as she held his face, and pecked his lips. He was just too cute when he's clueless. She was about to get up, and leave. But Max notice that and his hands kept her firm against him. "Uh, Max?" She asked him surprised as she looked at him.

"Where are you going? He asked her, although he had an idea. "Max come on. I need to leave before someone sees us like this" she insisted to him firmly as she tried pushing against him. She squeaked surprised when he flipped her and she was below him."Come on Leena. Please stay. I know you want to" he told her misheviously. The lioness blushed, turning her face away. He wasn't wrong. She did want to spend more time him.

Knock knock

"Hey Max?"

'Oh no' Leena thought in her head as both lions froze, wide eye. They slowly turned to the door, staring at it. That voice belong to Tazer. "Bark bark!" Cotton barked outside the door. They could hear a scraping sound which was the dog scratching the door to get in.

"Max you up? You've got that royal meeting today remember?" The fox reminded him as Max quietly groaned. He forgot about that. Leena had a million thoughts in her head. Like why of all people to catch them like this had to be Tazer? Or how embarrassing it would be to be caught like this.

Panicking, Leena pushed Max off her which startled him. But she forgot that his arms were still around her waist, and both fell off the bed with a thud.

The cats groaned painfully as Leena pushed herself up, rubbing her head as Max did the same. "That was not pleasant" Leena said, getting the feeling her head would bruise.

"Max! You ok?" Tazer's voice came up concerned as Cotton's barking increased. Both cats stayed silent as Leena glanced at him. Her eyes motioned him to say something. "Uh yeah yeah I'm fine Tazer" he called out to him. Both of them hoped that would get the fox to leave.

"Bark bark!"

Suddenly, the lions heard the door open and Cotton's barking got louder as the dog ran into the room, searching for him. Tazer came in too, and he was surprised to find Max's bed empty. One of his ears tilted down in confusion. Didn't he just hear his friend talking so why is the room empty?

Max and Leena were on the floor behind the bed so they were out of sight. But they had to be quiet. Just because Tazer couldn't see them doesn't mean he couldn't hear them.

However, Cotton caught Leena's scent in the air, and he smiled excitedly as his tail wagged. The dog ran over to the direction of the scent and found them. "Leena" Max whispered quietly but worriedly as all three stared at eachother.

"Cotton. Shh" Leena quietly told her dog. But Cotton, oblivious to their current position right now, barked excitedly at seeing his friend as he ran up and licked Leena's face. "Cotton no!" She whispered panic as she held her dog. But then she remembered the position she was still in with Max and she glanced at him. "Max! Why are we still in this position?! Get your hands off before-!" She whispered to him frantically only....

"What in the Lion kingdom?"

Tazer overheard Cotton's barking and their whispering so he walked over and found them like this. He froze at what he saw and everyone made eye contact, the whole room got quiet. His face changed as he tried to hold his laughter and....

"BWAHAHAHAHHA!" He bursted out laughing, holding his stomach. Both lions blushed red in embarrassment as Leena quickly stood up, her face red as a tomato. "Oh wow! Max you naughty lion!" Tazer said between his laughter. "Tazer! Get out!" Leena told him annoyed and flustered as she grabbed a pillow and started attacking him with it. It didn't do much to stop the fox from laughing. This was all too good for him.

He quickly escaped her pillow attacks and left the room, his laughter echoing in the halls. Leena then turned around, glaring intensely at Max. The king smiled sheepishly at her, sensing he was the one to blame.

"Um sorry about that?" He told her.


Max got a pillow smacked to his face as the lioness turned around and stomped out of the room. He climbed up the bed, watching her tail disappear out of the door with Cotton following her. The lion huffed into the pillow, wondering how he was going to fix this.

"Hey Max"

Her voice came up which got his head to sho straight up form the pillow and his eyes to the door. She was peeking from the corner of the door with a sly smirk. "Later tonight in my room, ok?" She told him, flashing a wink before disappearing. Max felt his cheeks warm up as a dreamy smile made its a way on his face. Sure, the day started off embarrassing. But they both thought it was worth it.

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