Mother in Law

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"Come on!Come on!" Max yelled excited as he raced to the Palace. "Max slow down!" Leena yelled out, running behind.

The two lions were racing to the palace to tell Max's mom, Queen Queefa the big news about their engagement. Max had told his friends but he hasn't told his mom about it.

Max was so full of excitement, he ran so fast that Leena was way behind and Max was already inside the palace.

He ran upstairs and into the hallway and he got to his mom's room but it was empty and his head looked around for the former queen.

"Mother?" He called out, looking for her. "Yes Max?" His ears twitched at her voice where she was at the library and he quickly rushed over there.

"Mom?" He called out again, his eyes scanning for her excited. "Max?" Queefa's voice came up and Max spotted his mom, the older lioness stared at hin puzzled.

"Son? Is everything o..!" Queefa said but was interrupted in surprise when Max ran up and pulled his mom into a bear hug with the biggest smile. Queefa wasn't what was going on but seeing her son this happy must be good so she wrapped her arms around him.

The two then broke apart, holding their hands. "Max what's going on?" Queefa asked puzzled. "Mom you are gonna be so happy when you hear this cause I have some exciting news!" Max told her really excited with a huge smile.

Queefa chuckled at her son's excitement, sometimes to her he acted like a cub. "Well what is it?" She asked him curious. Max then held his hand and Queefa noticed a ring on his finger.

'That wasn't there before' Queefa thought as she stared at it. "Mom" Max told her and she looked at him both making eye contact and she him have the warmest smile. Queefa smiled at this. 'He had the same smile as his father' she thought.

"Leena and I are getting married" he finally told her and Queefa's eyes widen and she had the biggest smile and she gasped. "Really?" She asked him and he nodded. Laughing, she hugged her son tightly and Max hugged her back.

"Oh congratulations my son!" She told him so happy as they broke apart and she touched his cheek. "Your father would be so happy right now" she told him warmly wnd Max smiled at her warmly, tearing up a bit. He quickly wiped his eyes.

"Finally I caught up with you!" Leena called out of breath as she bent down panting. The lioness finally caught up to the excited fueled up lion.

Max and Queefa chuckled as the old queen walked up to Leena. "I'll soon have a daughter in law" she said happy and excited as she hugged Leena.

The two lionesses broke apart, holding hand "And soon there will be a new queen" Queefa said proudly but Leena's smile fell in worry. Queefa noticed and got concerned about this.

Max could sense Leena's worry and he walked up and placed a hand on Leena's shoulder "Leena's a little nervous about being queen" Max explained.

Queefa looked at Leena and with a warm smile, she gently lifted Leena's face so they could make eye contact.

"You will do just fine as a queen Leena" she told her and Leena smiled at her. "After all you did just fine with saving the kingdom" she said and everyone bursted into laughter. Queefa smiled happy for her son and soon to be daughter in law.

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