The white tiger queen and the old queen (request)

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Request from ElisaRamrezFernndez

A large celebration was being held to celebrate Max and his friends' victory against Shadow Master again as well as the peace formed between the lions and the white tigers. Max was helping his mom down the stairs. "So what do you think mom?" He asked her as she scanned the party. "Wonderful my son. I'm proud of you for bring ming our people with the white tigers again. You're father would be proud of you. You succeeded where he failed" she told him, caressing his face with a proud smile as he smiled at her.

"Your majesties"

Both lions turned to see Leena and Felina. The white tiger saw the old lioness and felt a nervous inside where outside she made herself look composed. "Mother this is Felina. Queen of the white tigers. Felina this my mother. Queen Shifa" he introduced them.

"Queen Shifa" Felina greeted her respectfully, bowing down as Shifa did seem. "Felina. A pleasure to meet you finally" she told her warmly. "Mother. Felina if you will excuse me" Max said as he and Leena walked away, leaving the two alone.

"Your majesty"

Felina spoke as Shifa looked at her. To her surprise, the tigress wore a different expression. One with guilt and regret as she looked down. "I....know this means nothing. But....I'm sorry. For what I tried to do to your people. All my life, my parents told me that the lions were our enemies. That they were the reason for our suffering. I wanted to make them suffer too. In order to restore our honor and glory. But instead, I further shamed my people and myself when I hurt yours. When I saw how the lions suffered, I felt guilt, regret and shame. I hope you can forgive me. That now our kinds can work together and make amends" she told her regretfully, keeping her blue eyes down.

But to her surprise, she felt a hand on her shoulder and it made her glance up. Shifa smiled at her warmly, which confused Felina. "Felina. Banishing the white tigers was decision that my husband, Adisa, was not proud of. Even I didn't agree with his decision and wanted another way. He thought that peace between the lions and tigers could never happen. He was wrong. Because my son abd you proved him wrong" she explained as Felina listened.

"Look around now Felina" she said, motioning with her arm as the tiger queen looked. She saw the lions talking with the tigers and other animals, and laughing as well with smiles on their faces. "Our people are finally united as one. The past is the past and this is now. We can start a bright future better for both our kinds. And can finally work together. So I forgive you, Felina" Shifa said assuringly.

It amazed Felina that the queen forgave her but it touched her heart and relieved her. "Thank you Queen Shifa" she said gratefully with a soft smile.

"Excuse me my queens" Leena'a voice came as the two turned to look at her. "Max was hoping to talk to you both. About how we can help the white tigers' food shortage situation" she told them. "Of course" Felina said as she, Shifa and Leena walked odd to find Max, looking forward to creating a brighter future.

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