Flying is Harder than it Looks Part 3(request)

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Request from GSBUBLE

After finding Leena and comforting her, the gang brought her back to the palace to work out a plan on restoring her to her previous form. Higgabottom said that encase these wings were permanent, it be best that Leena start to get use to them.

Inside the lab, the owl was gently trying to pluck a feather from Leena's wing. "Ow!" She winced and pulled her wing back. Max and her friends stared at her concerned. "My apologies Leena. But you are now seeing that wings are very sensitive to even a slight yet painful touch" he told her as he placed the feather inside a small bottle. Now the lioness knew how a bird felt when a feather is pulled from its wing.

"A bird's wings is a crucial of their body. And for now it's a crucial part to your body to Leena. It's important that you be careful and ensure no damage falls on to them" he cautioned her and the others. They nodded to him serious

Max, Twitch, Spike and Leene entered out of the laboratory. But the king stared at his friend worried. "Hey. You ok?" He asked her. She nodded yes but he saw in her hazelnut brown eyes that that was a lie. There was worry in those eyes. This whole wing thing was still new to her. She's only had them for one day but it was hard to say how long those wings would remain or whether they were temporary.

He rubbed the back of his mane, trying to think of a way to cheer her up. His ears twitched at a grunt and he noticed that when the door closed, it almost closed on the edge of her wing. Thankfully, it didn't otherwise she lose some feathers. But she did seem to struggle moving around with her new wings.

Max had an idea that might help her. "Hey Leena. Can I try something with your wings please?" He asked her politely as she stared at him.

His idea was to have the wings fold around her body so that she can move easily and not risk any harm to them. It looked like she was wearing a nlue feather cloak. You can't even tell that they're real wings.

"Huh. Not a bad idea jungle boy" she told him, glad to see that she wasn't tripping over them or bumping them into anything. "You can't even tell that they're wings at all. You actually look good like this" he complimented her, finding the look stylish on her.

Leena frowned at him. "Max. As much as these wings might be cool to you, I don't want to keep them for my whole life" she told him firmly, her face looking down. Sure, flying was awesome and everything. But Leena would much rather fly the Phoenix than fly with real wings.

Max sighed as he tilted her chin up so that she could look at him. He kissed her forehead before staring in her brown eyes with his orange ones. "Leena. I'm not suggesting to keep them. I'm just trying to cheer you up. Look. The professor said that for now you have to start getting use to these new wings until we figure something out. And we'll find a way" he explained to her calmly. He pulled her into a hug, being gentle so not to hurt hee wings.

Leena sighed in content, leaning in his chest for comfort. "I mean come on. It's not like the wings are affecting our relationship" he told her jokingly and she chuckled at him. He smiled, glad to hear her laughing. He broke the hug and took her hand in his. "Come on. Let's head to the training arena. We can practice your new wings there" he told her as she smiled at him. Leena pulled his hand to get him close to her and she kissed him. He stared at her wide eye and blushing before she broke the kiss.

"You always how to give some hope" she told him as she made her way to the training arena, pulling him by his hand as he stared at her dumbfounded by that kiss.

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